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"There was no abortion!!"  Minah screamed.

I was still holding my cheek, but the physical pain was nothing compared to the pain I caused Madelyn.

Madelyn looked at Minah. "What are you talking about?"

Minah sighed.

"I was friends with Marie in high school. Best friends. She dated Jimin at the school she transferred to. When she got pregnant, she didn't know by who and.... She told Jimin it was his. She aborted the baby and claimed she had a miscarriage to make him feel bad!" Minah confessed.

Madelyn's eyes looked as if they were full of absolute rage.

She didn't even look at me, or any of us, but straight ahead, to the door Hoseok laid in.

And then at Marie.

"That's not true! I- I'd never screw around, Jimin! You know me!!"

I was beyond speechless. Not only was the baby not mine, but she aborted it after 8 weeks. After three months.

Madelyn stared at Marie. "You might wanna leave before I beat the shit out of you for hurting Jimin and an innocent baby."

Marie continued to stammer until she realized that we weren't buying it.

Her pout formed into a full blown scowl and she ran up on Minah, punching her square in the face. The girls fell to the floor, fighting, clawing, scratching, anything they could.

Yoongi and Namjoon broke up the fight, literally flinging the girls away from each other.

"Get the hell out, Marie!! You were never my best friend!!" Minah screeched as she clawed at Namjoon's arms, trying to reach her.

Marie smirked, sticking her tongue out at her, trying to provoke her and, well, it worked.

Minah freed herself from Namjoon's grip, yanking Marie back by her hair pulling her back to the ground, throwing vicious punches at her, before standing and stomping on her chest.

"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!" Madelyn pried Minah from her.

"You'll kill her!"

Minah fell to the ground, sobbing angrily and painfully.

Marie walked out of the room, staggering.

"This won't be the last of me, bitch!!"

The room was quiet other than her sobs.

"Damn, she got hands when it come to other Asian bitches huh," I heard Jackie joke quietly to Taehyung,  his lips pressed into a thin line, holding in a laugh as he smacked her ass lightly whispering. "Jackie.." he shook his head, smiling. 

Jungkook sat on the floor with Minah and Madelyn stood, slowly walking up to me.

She motioned for me to lean my head down to her level and I hesitated.

" ....Are you going to smack me again?"

She smiled sadly. "No baby.."

I leaned my head down and she kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry baby." She held my cheeks in her hands and kissed me gently.

The kiss was bliss. I was afraid I'd never tasted her lips again.

I smiled at her, holding her waist.

The nurse walked into the room,  and nodded to us.

"Is Hoseok okay?" Minah chirped.

The nurse smiled.

"He's awake. We just had to stitch him up. The wound wasn't deep at all. You can go see him if you'd like."

"Oh thank God."


I watched Minah as she paced the quiet waiting room. 

We had to wait until the boys came back to see Hoseok. Well her. I didn't want to see him.

"I never knew what you saw in him," I whisper.

She stopped. "What?"

I rolled my eyes.
"I mean like.. Sure he's attractive and rich. And popular of course, but that's really all there is to him," I start. She looked on, interested in what I had to say.

"Plus. His thrust game garbage."

She sighed. "It was trash..."

"He's treated you like shit for how long? Since senior year? I don't understand how you put up with it as if Jungkook isn't right there. "

She looked at me, arms crossed. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that Jungkook was willing to drop everything for you. Think about it. He's the only one who broke the bro code to tell you what happened. He cares about you Minah, he loves you. Think about that."

She fidgeted with her hands.

"Madelyn I'm sorry for everything. I didn't wanna do any of those mean things. Hoseok always threatened to break up with me and-"

"Save it. I know what happened. It's okay."

She let out a slow exhale as the boys came out.

She took a deep breath before going inside.


I sat next to Hoseok's bed, letting out a small breath. I held his hand.

"Hoseok I'm sorry." I whisper.

He smiled. "It's okay baby."

I moved my hand from his, fidgeting with the promise ring he gave me.

"No. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do.  You made my life hell and even cheated on me. I care about you so much. But I think my heart lays with someone else." I slid the ring off, placing it onto a nightstand next to the bed.

I smiled sadly at his stunned face and kissed his cheeks before leaving and entering the waiting room.

I grabbed Jungkook by the arm, pulling him to me. Before he could even protest, I pulled his face down and shoved my lips onto his. He reacted quickly and I pulled away, catching the breath he stole from me.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry I made you wait. I love you."

"I love you too, Minah. So much. "

w/c: 908

I'm all for Jungkook X Minah.

promise. || jimin park  (ambw) #WATTYAWARDS2019Where stories live. Discover now