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It's been weeks since our first date. She's been caught up in classes, and so am I, we don't go out often.

"Where are you going?" I asked Taehyung he was fixing his appearance.

"I'm going to see Jackie," he said.

"Ooooh, your boo?" Jungkook teased. "Actually, yes. " Tae remarked.

"Really?" The five of us, me, Jungkook, Seokjin, Hoseok, and Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, I asked her yesterday night." He said simply.

"Why haven't you asked that other girl out yet, Jimin?" Namjoon asked.

"Who, Madelyn?"


"...Well because we're not rushing anything. I like the pace we're at. " I say simply.

"Do you plan on asking her out?" Jungkook asked.

I noticed Hoseok eyeing me for some strange reason.

"Of course. Just not now-.. Don't yall have a frat party to be planning or something?"

"No, because I'm out. On a date. With my girl. Something you should be doing. " Taehyung smirked, finally leaving.

I sighed as everyone started doing their own thing.

I heard Hoseok clear his throat and I looked up. He moved his head as if he were motioning me to go to him.

"What's up?" I asked once I got to him.

"Are you and Madelyn a thing?" He asked, voice low enough for only me to hear

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Maybe? Why?"

"You can't date her. " he said simply.

"And why's that?"

He glared at me. "I know her. She's not.... She's not even in your league. She's snobby too. Toxic even. "

"She doesn't seem like any of those things-"

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I quickly pulled it out.

Madelyn was calling me.

I looked up at Hoseok. "We'll finish this talk, Jimin. "


"Snobby? Toxic? " her lovely laughter filled my ears.

I was laying on my back with the phone on my chest.

"Do you know Hoseok? He said he went to high school with you. "

She paused. And then silence filled the room. And then I heard a deep breath.

"Madelyn...? You okay?"

She sighed again.

"Yeah I knew Hoseok. In high school. The asshole," she says lowly.

"Now Hoseok's a little....outspoken, but not an asshole," I laughed. "Are we talking about the same Hoseok?"

"Jung Hoseok. A.k.a, Jay. The one that had his fangirls torment me for four years in high school, yeah. " she said.

"Oh. So why would he say bad things about you?" I asked confused.

"Because he's been doing it for four year-.. Okay, can we change the subject? Please?" She pleaded in a soft voice. I smiled.

"Sure. "



(So I got Jackie's personality basically from my best friend's, plus her bias is Taehyung so it fits)

"Jackie, I admire your hair so much," I say with content as I reached to touch her curls. She quickly slapped my hand away, flicking my cheek.

"Ouch.." I slumped into my chair.

"I'm sorry, baby boy, but you're never ever allowed to touch a black woman's hair without her permission! Or any woman's hair for that matter, " she waved her finger at me in a scolding way.

"I'm sorry," I pouted.

I stayed silent for a bit.

"Can I touch your-"


"What's the point of you telling me that if you're gonna say no?" I whine.

"I'm sorry Taebae, but to teach yo ass a lesson! You can't go around just asking black women to touch their hair! You wanna get yo ass smoked?" She scolded once again, making me groan.

"But baby-"

" 'Baby' nothin'! And did you just roll yo eyes at m-"

I shut her up by shoving a strawberry in her mouth.

She glared at me before chewing slowly.

I smiled at her and sighed.

"Watchu lookin' at?" She asked.
I  smiled at her all lovesick.

"You are an interesting woman, Jackie."

"I know."

We ate in silence. What was it that we were eating you ask?
Denny's pancakes.
Because we wanted breakfast at 9:34PM.

"I really wish ya boy Jimin would make a move. Madelyn been gushing over that boy nonstop!" She rolled her eyes playfully.

"He just needs time. He's been through a lot. "



I smiled as Jimin said sadly, "We haven't gone out in a while."

"Okay," I bit my lip, looking around the house.

"My roommate isn't home," I start.

"Oh I know. She's out with Taehyung."

"....So you can maaayyybeeeee come over and we can watch movies? It's not going out but, it's something, "I say.

Please don't let this man think I'm being desperate.

There was a silence.

"I'd like that. What time ?" He asked.

I smirked. "Now o' clock," he bursted into laughter, his sweet melody.

"I'm going to stop at the store. Do you want anything?" He asked.

"Maybe some popcorn seasoning, yeah,"

"I'm on my way, love. " he said simply. I nodded, smiling to myself.

"Okay. "

"Okay. "

w/c: 815

Yayyyy, they're hanging out! I hope you smiled at least once today. Don't forget to comment and vote.

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