twenty six

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i didn't wanna do it but i had to


I winced in pain as I sat on the edge of the bed. Jimin had already left with Taehyung to the grocery store and Jackie and I were here at the house. Jungkook and Minah were downstairs doing whatever they're doing.

"You good Madi?" Jackie asked, concern washing over her face as she watched me rub my stomach in pain. "Is she kicking too much?"

I shook my head. "It feels like cramping, like period cramping.."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "That's weird. You can't be on your period. It ain't possible. Unless has a mis..." she trailed off and looked at me. "Nah. Impossible. Did you go to the doctor?" 

"Yeah, but the cramping hasn't started until this morning."

"Why didn't you tell Jimin?" she asked. 

"I didn't want him to worry."

Awkward silence. 

"Maybe I should move around some? Maybe I've just been too stiff." I say. Jackie nods and gives a small smile. 

I struggle a little, but I finally stand. I wish I hadn't. Jackie suddenly screamed and dropped the iced tea she was holding. She didn't blink or anything, she had a stunned look on her face.

"...Jackie?" I questioned.

"Y-you might want to look at the bed...." 

I slowly turned around and my mouth gaped at the horrifying sight. The white sheet was stained by a bright red spot, and it was sinking into the bed. I froze.


Minah and were downtairs when we heard Jackie let out a short scream. Minah jumped.

"Did you hear that?" she asked.

I nodded. "Maybe they saw a mouse or somethin-"

I heard keys rattling from outside and the door unlocked and opened, reavealing Taehyung and Jimin walking in, laughing, holding grocery bags. They waved hello to us, proceeding to the kitchen to put up the food.


Tae and I were putting up the food, talking about old times when I noticed something and felt uneasy. Minah and Jungkook looked like they had seen ghosts. 

"What's wrong with you two?"

Jungkook cleared his throat. "It's jus-"

He was immediantly silenced when a loud, ear piercing screech let out and rang around the entire house.

Taehyung looked up. "Was that Made-"

I took no time to dart up the stairs nearly tripping on the last step, running through the hallway to our room and barged in to see Madelyn standing over the bed, and Jackie by the door, in shock.

"What's going on?! What's-" I reached for Madelyn but she moved aside and pointed at the bed, an angry red blood stain was there, in the sheets. 

She sniffled. "We need to go to the emergency room, I think something is wrong with the baby." she said, barely above a whisper. 

promise. || jimin park  (ambw) #WATTYAWARDS2019Where stories live. Discover now