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"You know he's gonna find me right?" I seethed, laughing.

The man smiled down at me deviously from the chair he was sitting in.

"Of course he's going to find you," he chuckled. "And when he does, I'm going to make sure he dies a slow painful death. He's got a lot of nerve fucking around with me and my gang."

I looked at him in confusion. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

He looked down at me, amusement playing at his lips.

"Oh you didn't know?"

He tapped the glock on his thigh, his jaw clenching. I shook my head.

"Your boyfriend, Park Jimin used to be my partner. That is, until he decided to try to leave," he stated.

"See, Jimin..."

He stopped and looked at me before smiling and shaking his head.

"Jimin didn't go with my rules. See, once you join the gang. There's no opting out at any time. At all."

Jimin? In a gang?

I laughed in disbelief and discomfort at the handcuffs.
"Jimin's not in any fucking gang,"

"Oh? Jimin and I used to be the kings of this business. He was ruthless and heartless. Hence. Where did Marie come from you wonder? Well-"

"Minah said they dated in high school. You're lying." I cut him off.

He smirked.

"And you believe Minah? How do you know she isn't in on this as well? And Hoseok? And..."

"And Jimin.." I say deadpan.

He looked at me, pushing his tongue to the side of his cheek. I looked up at him quietly.

"So you know once I get out of these handcuffs imma whoop yo ass right?" I assure him, with fake confidence.

If he was going to kill me, he would have to fight for it. I would rather die trying to kill this man rather than die from sitting on this fucking floor.

I mean, don't get me wrong, the carpet was nice-

He smirked down at me, placing his glock right to my forehead and I bit my tongue. I had to stop myself from getting smart. Who knew what this man was capable of?

He smiled at me. 

"Why do you want me? "

"Well, " he cocked his head to the side.

"When Jimin realizes that you're missing, he'll look for you. And then,  he'll realize that it's me and will come looking for you. And then, Kim Yugyeom, yours truly, will be the last fucking face he sees before he's injected with a horrible poison, killing him slowly."

I look at him before scoffing and rolling my eyes.

"So what exactly did he do to you? "

"Jimin and I were partners. Best friends even. We assassinated gang lords that tried us and well.... When it came to one, he opted out on me. Said he couldn't do it. Wanna know who it was?" He asked.

I nodded eagerly.

"Jung Hoseok."

I raised an eyebrow.
"I didn't think he was the type."

"Yugyeom!! We found that bitch that tried to run away and into the woods!!" Someone else hollered.

I cock my head to the side at him.

Kim Yugyeom smirked at me, flashing a wink. "It is always the least expected,"

And with that, he shut the door, leaving me handcuffed.

I was handcuffed to one of the legs of the bed, and I was sitting on the floor.

I sighed, looking around the room. So plain.

I hummed to myself,  feeling unfazed at the fact that I was kidnapped.

Maybe it's because I was thinking of ways to kill Kim Yugyeom, before he could hurt Jimin..

I placed a hand on my stomach lovingly.

"That creepy bastard.."

And then I remembered,  I has my phone in my bra. Did they take it?

I reached into my bra with my free hand and it was there. I hesitantly pulled it out, dialing Jimin's number.


"Jimin, calm down." Jackie breathed.

I stood in the middle of the Madelyn's  room, it was messy. The door had a huge hole in its lower area, signifying that someone came in by force.

The window was wide open, her curtains were pushed back.

The more I examined the room the more it came to me. The more I realized what had been done to her.

I clenched my fists, my eyes swelling up with tears when Taehyung touched my shoulder.

"She was kidnapped..And I think I know why."

I ignored Taehyung and Jackie's questions and rushed to her closet, grabbing a box I hid on the shelf in case this happened.

Inside was two glocks.

"Woah, Jimin, where'd you get that?!"

I sighed,  cocking the gun my phone rang. It was the ring tone I had for Madelyn.


"Jimin who the fuck is Yugyeom and why the hell were you in a gang? Why didn't you tell me?  This kigga is really dumb is you ask me, I'd check my victims for phones." She blabbered.

I smiled.

"Did he hurt you baby?" I ask..

"Nope, he just threatened that once you get her to get me that he'd kill you for not killing Hoseok-.... he's coming, I gotta go."

"Baby?" I asked.

She hummed in response.

"I love you, and I'm coming to get you."

"I love you too, Jiminie. We're gonna have a long talk about this though."

I laughed. "Okay love."

She hung up the phone and I looked at Taehyung and Jackie.

"Taehyung, there's something I gotta tell you man,"

w/c: 906

promise. || jimin park  (ambw) #WATTYAWARDS2019Where stories live. Discover now