Chapter 11: Training and Trouble Afoot

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-Derk's POV-

Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!

"Rahhh!" I threw another table at the wall.

What the hell is going on here?! I just got word about my missing Basilisk, and I've been told that he's been dismantled!

The bastards who killed my pet took his scales and insides as if they were prizes! Damn it all!

I threw more things around my room.

"Milord! We have word about-Ack!" The goblin that just came in to report was shortly interrupted by a dagger that was stuck in his neck.

This little bug. How dare he come in while I express my anger?

As the pathetic goblin chokes on his own blood, he collapsed on the floor with his red fluids messing up my floor. Disgusting little pest!

I then proceeded to stomp on his head in anger. Each hit slowly deforming his head until it was unrecognizable to others.

While I did this, another goblin came in. When he saw what I was doing, he froze in fear.

I was about to kill him, but I held it in. He might have some information that I need.

Well, the other one had information too, but I wasn't in the mood at the time. It was his fault for walking in on my raging.

"What is it?" I demanded in a cold tone.

"Y-yes, milord! We've gotten word about what happened to your pet Basilisk."

"Then spill it!" I barked at the goblin.

"Right! One of our scouts found a village nearby where the Basilisk was found. They said that your pet killer was inside that village."

Finally! I can finally get my hands on the bastard that killed my beloved pet!

"Gather as many goblins as you can! Get them geared up and ready to raid that village. You will not kill any of the villagers until you find out which one killed my pet!" I ordered the goblin.

"Right away, milord!" The goblin soon left the room to prepare my army of goblins.

"Before you go, clean up this mess. Seeing this bastard is pissing me off."

"As you wish."

The goblin started to clean up the mess while I sat down on my throne.

I finally get to know who killed my beloved pet. I'll be sure to make this welp suffer for everything he's done.

Ah, but before I send out my men. I should make sure that this doesn't backfire on me.

I got up from my throne and left the room. The place I was in was a called the Drago Cave.

It was said that an ancient dragon used to live here thousands of years ago. Not only that, but I found out that this dragon really liked shiny objects because I found a room that was filled with gold treasures.

Coins, antiques, and more filled up the entire room. It was magnificent.

It was practically a gift from the gods. Not only do I get treasure beyond my wildest dreams, but I also have my little kingdom.

Anyway, aside from my treasure room, there was one room that I was heading to that was going to play a big role for my raid.

It was where I kept my other pets. Aside from my pride and joy, also known as the Basilisk, I had other pets that I keep in the cave.

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