Chapter 96: Convenience Through Inconvenience

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Looks like we made it to the next town.

As I looked ahead of us, I noticed the mountain range from before got bigger. That must mean we're close to it.

Still, who calls their mountain The Mountain of Death? Is that suppose to be a joke, or have people died there before?

Due to my curiosity, I asked Amy about it. Her answer didn't really make me feel happy.

"Mt. Belladore was nicknamed The Mountain of Death due to inhabiting strong monsters that were in the Triple S-Rankings. Unless you had the highest rank as an adventurer and was in a group of similar rankings, not many people go there."

"What's on the other side?" I asked.

"The Beastfolk Territory. There are about five countries that make up the land."

Beastfolk land, huh. If I'm not mistaken, that tiger king was after me along with the Demon King and the Dwarf King.

If we're about to enter enemy territory, then we'll have to think of another plan. I don't want to arrive there and get ambushed by a lot of beastfolk.

I'm sure I can handle them, but it'll be a pain in the ass if I did. Besides, I'm already on the run from the people in the human countries, I don't want any more trouble.

That being said, I'll have to think of something before we enter the Mountain of Death. Maybe I could just disguise us as Beastfolk as well.

Wait, can Beastfolk tell between a real one and a fake one? Like through a sense of smell or something?

I'll have to ask Amy when we get to Town. We'll have to settle down there while I formulate a plan.

The town we were heading to was called Malburrow Town. And, unlike the other towns we've visited, this one was more . . . Fortified.

As we got closer to the town, I noticed that there was a large stone wall with a gate. The wall was about thirty to forty feet tall with watchtowers holding guards.

Well, this place seems secure. It must be because this place was so close to Mt. Belladore.

Considering that The Mountain of Death has dangerous monsters, it's clear that having proper defenses was necessary. I'm just worried that something bad might happen that might cause some inconvenience for us.

For now, we should just get inside the town and then figure out what to do next.

Once we encountered the guards, we were searched for anything illegal. After they cleared us to go, we entered the Town.

Even on the inside, this place had sturdy defenses. I noticed a couple more towers with giant crossbows.

They must've been anti-air weapons for dragons or something similar. That's pretty smart.

I also noticed that there were more soldiers around than in the other towns. They're probably here to not only fend off the monsters but also help evacuate the civilians.

While I was examining the security of the town, I soon noticed the Gate on the east side of the Town. Apparently, there were two gate entrances, which were the West Gate and the East Gate.

When we got closer to the East Gate, I noticed a crowd of soldiers there. All of them were rushing around like mad.

I wonder what's going on? Let's go take a look.

I told Amy, Thana, and Arri to park the carriage somewhere while Vlad and I checked out what was going on at the East Gate.

As we drew closer to the Gate, I heard shoutings and metal boots stomping. These guys were all over the place.

"Prepare the defenses! Get those spike walls and pitfalls ready! There's not a lot of time left!"

Commanding the soldiers was a man in full body armor and had a blue cape. He kept ordering his men to get their defenses in tip-top shape.

Are they expecting an invasion?

I was a little curious, so I went over to the soldier ordering the others around. When he noticed us, he sneered in annoyance.

"No civilians near the East Gate! Get back inside the town!" He yelled at us while shooing us away.

"Relax, we're just here to see what's going on. It seems like you guys are preparing for a fight."

"Of course we are!" He snarled. "We've been having monster attacks more frequently every week than we have for the past decade!"

Every week? Well, at least it isn't random, otherwise, these guys might not have the time to prepare.

"I assume they're coming from the Mountain of Death?"

"Where else?! Damn those monsters! They've been giving us such a hard time that I've already lost a quarter of my men."

The captain, who we later find out is named Robin York, quickly explained the situation to us.

Apparently, for the past couple of weeks, there have been a lot of monster attacks coming from The Mountain of Death. This means that no one has been able to exit the east gate to enter Mt. Belladore.

The monsters usually come to the town a couple times every two to three months, then everything goes quiet afterward.

But, the monsters have been frequenting towards the town a lot lately. The first time they arrived, the monsters were a couple weeks early.

Due to this, the beasts were able to get past the gate and storm the town. The whole place was in a panic.

The soldiers could barely hold off the monsters before they were slaughtered. They were only able to drive them back with the help of a Holy Knight that was currently visiting the place.

After that, they had to fortify their defenses and investigate what's exactly going on. The town wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but some of them believed that the monsters were being controlled by a high-ranking monster. 

They tried to send in troops to the mountain to further examine the problem, but none of them returned. Since then, the soldiers have been frantically keeping up their security, checking to see everything is in order before another attack.

The next attack is assumed to be in a couple of hours, so they've been all over the place trying to get everything ready for the next wave.

"Alright, I've told you everything you needed to hear. Now, get lost!" The captain then turned back without giving us another glance.

Vlad and I took the hint and walked back to the town.

"What do we do now, Damien? With the East Gate closed, we can't get inside the Mountain of Death."

"I'm sure we could if we just sneaked passed them, but I want to assess the situation first. Plus, we should worry about what happens in the next couple of hours."

"You mean the monster wave?"

I nodded. "I want to see what exactly is going on here. Plus, I might have an idea about something. This little problem of ours might've also gave us a good advantage."

"What do you mean?" Vlad looked at me with a puzzling expression.

"I'll let you know when I finished thinking about it. For now, we should settle in and think of our next move."

With that, Vlad and I then walked back inside the town to meet up with the others. Then, we would figure out what to do next. 

Author's Note:

So, what do you guys think Damien's plan is?

Well, you'll find out in the next chapter which is right now! Go see it and let me know what you think!

See Ya!

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