Chapter 3

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A/N ~ Hey guys sorry for the long wait. It's was that time of year. Anyways I plan to update the next one either later tonight or tomorrow so enjoy!

PS ~ If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to leave a comment!


My alarm went off. With a groan I reached over and turn the clock off. "May, it's time to get up!" I tell her still in bed. When I roll over I see her already up and dressed. "How long have you been up?" My eye brow raised at her. My sister was never a morning person because she usually was up at night and slept in the morning. Over the last couple days, she has been working on getting her sleeping schedule changed.

"Around 5:00." I sighed. 'Only thirty minutes ago.' I stretched and went to take a shower. The warm water on my back was nice. I wish I could stay there a few minutes more but, I needed to get dressed. After I got out of the shower I got dressed in black pants that had a light purple stripe on the sides. I pulled on my white shirt and black leather jacket. After that I went and got my hair up in a bun. I shook my head and re did it. Half up half down. The part that was up was in a bun the rest was left hanging down.

"Ok get your . . . never mind you have it all together already don't you?" With a quick nod of her head she smiled and looked at her bags. Grabbing my own I nodded my head to the door. "Alright let's go." We walked out of the room and down to the lobby. May still had her bat wings hidden as she walked next to me. I waited in line to check out. As I waited I ended up messing with my locket. It had dulled since I had first received it but I never took it off. Once I checked out I lead May to the ships that would fly us to Beacon. The walk to the loading area was short and sweet.

"Are you ready?" May nodded her head. She never spoke much because she didn't feel like she needed to. The people there loaded our bags on the ship as we boarded the ship. I looked around at all the other students on board of the ship. 'No Blake.' I thought as I walked towards one of the windows. May followed me looking around. I could tell this made her excited. Her dream was coming true. We had to talk to some of the teachers at Beacon to let her skip two years to attend Beacon.

All of a sudden a tall man, or boy rather, with wild green hair, and a cowboy hat, approached me. "Is it just me or is it hot in here?" He gave me a shining smile. The pickup line was so cheesy I couldn't help but giggle a bit. Then I tried to hide it. As he leaned against the bar that was attached to the wall he looked me up and down studying me. I had gotten used to it over the years.

"I think it's just you." I smirked flipping my hair over my shoulder. The man in front of me chuckled. His messy green hair shadowed his eyes a bit. I had to do a double take. His eyes were . . . purple! They were pretty but I didn't let the shock show in my face.

"You've got a sense of humor. I like it." Standing up straight he held his hand out to shake. "Hunter Carraway's the name and charming's my game." He introduced himself with a smirk on his face. His country accent was smooth and natural. My ears perked forward. I tilted my head with a smile on my face.

"Cheshá Amaranth the name and sneaky is my game." I mocked. Then he mouthed my name. Maybe a way to remember it. All of a sudden the news channel that was on changed to a woman with blonde hair, green eyes, and a purple cape. We turn our attention to her. To sum it up it was like a Beacon introduction and how they were excited to have us there as new students. "Must mean we are almost there." I said mostly to May but the guy was still there.

"So where are you two from?" I looked over to May. Her face stoic. Then she turned her back and walked away. "What's up with her?" He asked his eyes watched as Mayonaka went to a different window. I shrug my shoulders.

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