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There are some people in your life that you think will never leave you. Whether it's for good or for bad. The sad truth in life is that the good ones always leave sooner than expected.
I was sitting with her the night before she left. Her black hair cascaded down her back. Her yellow eyes watched the lights start to go out as night fell. The girl next to me had started to wear a bow on top of her head. A bow that hid her black cat ears. After being forced to hide mine I could never imagine hiding my orange fox ears.
"Cheshá?" The soft voice carried over to my ears. I turn my head towards her to see what she is going to say next. "Do you ever wish you could just run away?" Her eyes were still trained on the sleeping village below us. Tonight we both had nothing to do so we decided to hang out. Most of the time we would sit in silence but this question caught me off guard.
"What are you talking about? It's great here with you and May and Adam." There was a slight flinch of her body as I said the last name. 'Is that why you want to leave?' I had seen with my own eyes how violent he has gotten. For some reason it never bothered me. "I mean we are all so happy here. Fighting for our rights as faunus. Isn't this what you want?" I ask looking back out at the village.
A loud sigh escapes her lips as she hangs her head low. "Of course I do but Adam isn't achieving that. I thought he was but with how many people he hurts its seems to be turning into more of a game for him. Now most humans fear us. They don't respect us. The ones who do are just naive to what is happening around them."
I jump in. "But Blake aren't these the first steps into getting respect. We have to let them know we aren't going down without a fight. We are here to stay and stay free." I turn my head towards her to see that she was looking at me. "Listen I get it. This may not be the best way but we are getting results and we are getting them fast."
Her eyes look into mine as she stands. "C we have known each other a long time. I know deep down you think that this isn't the way. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I am not going to sit around and watch innocent human get hurt." I stand up. It amazes me sometimes how well she knows me. Blake was always one of those people who could read a person easily. "Just promise me something." She says turning to me. "Promise me that no matter what happens you won't tell Adam any of this."
I tilt my head up slightly so I can look her in the eye. A small smile appears on my face. "I, Cheshá Amaranth, promise to not tell Adam anything." Blake then smiles and relaxes. "You still going on that mission with Adam tomorrow?"
My ears twitch toward her. "Yes." Then she walks closer and gives me a hug. For some reason deep down it felt like a goodbye hug. "I'll see you later." I nod my head and wave. Before I know it she has disappeared into the streets of our home.

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