Chapter 16

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Hunter POV

I could feel a smaller hand holding my calloused one. I look down to see my sister holding it tightly. "Are you doing OK Pix?" I ask her as her hold on my hands tighten. Her purple eyes looked up at me. We were on our way to the school in Vacuo, one of the only places that really had a hospital. We were on our way to see our younger brother, mom and dad were both too busy to take Pixie.

"After you left for Beacon, I was alone." She said quietly looking down at her feet. "Maze was in a coma and you were off on your own. Not to mention I am really the only kid my age that is in our nomad tribe." My heart clenched as I looked down at her. I didn't realize she felt like this. 'Some big brother I am.' I thought to my self as we neared our destination.

Our group was stationed near the school this time around. So, taking the opportunity I took Pixie to see our brother. Her blonde curls bounced in their pig tail style. "Hey Pix." I stop for a moment and lower myself onto one knee in front of her. "While I might not be physically there all the time, I will always be with you in spirit." I smile and open my arms for a hug. With a smile on her face she leans into me for the hug. "Now let's go see Maze." He said standing up and holding her hand again.

When we walked in, I saw a familiar figure standing at the counter. Her pink hair went down to her waist while her white bunny ears were perked up. "Hey look it's Persia!" Pixie said rushing forward to go see her. A sigh leaves my lips, Persian Kobi was an interesting person. The last time we talked she tried to get me to go out with her for the 100th time.

When the bunny faunus heard my little sister, she smiled then looked at me with another smile. Taking a deep breath, I step forward and walk towards them. "Why hello Hunter~! Long time no see." She said smoothly after saying hello Pixie.

"Likewise, Persia." I said as I waited for one of the people at the desk to help us. "What are you doing here?" I ask her while waiting.

"Awww Hunty what happened to my nickname. I missed you calling me that." She said with a pouty face. With a roll of my eyes I just urge her to answer. "Well I was sent to get some medication for us before we leave to a new location again." With a nod of my head I notice that a lady had asked me what I needed.

Turning my head to her I tell her we are here to see Maze Carraway. She looks at his file and nods her head before getting ready to lead us to the room. "See you back at camp Persia." I said while Pixie gave her a goodbye hug.

With a sigh she nodded her head. "When you come back, we should go on one of our nightly walks like we use to~" She said before walking out gracefully to head back to camp. A sigh of my own escapes my lips before we are led to Maze's room. Pixie is walking in front of me as we make our way down the many halls. My heart hopes that he wakes soon.

Once we make it to his room we walk in and see that he is still sleeping. "OK go set the items by his bed." I said pulling out a chair to sit in for a while. Pixie lifted herself up to sit on the edge of Maze's bed.

"Mom likes to talk about memories of Maze can we do that while we are here. I think reminding him of the fun times he had might wake him up." Pixie asked. Her twelve-year-old mind was so hopeful. Nodding my head, I let her start with a memory she wanted to talk about. "Remember when mom would make cookies and he would always want to help just so he could eat cookie dough." With a laugh I nod my head.

"Mom would be so worried about him being sick." I added thinking about it as Pix laughed. "I remember one time we were out, and I was teaching him how to track. We were following deer tracks and he saw things on the ground that looked like raisins and tried to eat them." I said with a chuckle.

Before Pixie said anything I weak voice spoke up. "If your going to tell stories about me skip the gross ones." It was followed by a fit of coughing. Picking my head up I rushed over as Pixie stayed frozen. "Hi guys." Maze said with a weak smile. His golden eyes were tried but he kept them open to see us.

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