Chapter 20

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Hunter POV

"Hunter?" A soft voice called to me. Looking around I tried to find its source, it sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. I noticed that I was in the middle of a forest. "Hunter!" A small giggle sounded after that. I heard footsteps around me. Out of the corner of my eye I see a flash of light purple and orange. "Over here." The woman's voice seemed to be coming from everywhere.

A confused expression appeared on my face as I tried to follow the sounds I was hearing. "Who are you and where are you?" I ask taking a step forward. The voices and noises stop suddenly.

"You know who I am." The voice said, this time I could pinpoint her location. Turning around I saw the owner of the voice. Her orange hair complemented her green eyes. The purple dress she had on reminded me of one she had worn before. I knew who she was. It was Chesha, her ears were tilted forward to pick up any sounds that came from me.

My eyes were wide as I took a step forward. "Chesha?" I asked even though I knew it was her. I took another step forward as she smiled and nodded her head. "What are you doing here?" I was now standing directly in front of her.

With a sad smile she began to speak. "I am here to remind you what is important. You need to focus on your family Hunter. I trust that you will find me and help me. For now, help your tribe, forget about me for a while." She said softly looking up at me.

Tears started to form in my eyes. "How could I forget you even for a moment." I said as she lifted her arm and placed her hand on my cheek. "You are one of the most important people in my life, I can't live without thinking about you." She wiped my tears as she smiled.

"I will always be with you." As soon as she said that she pressed her lips against my cheek. I closed my eyes as her hands moved away. When I opened my eyes, she was gone. "I love you." Was the last whisper I heard from her.

My body jolted up and looked around. I was back in my room; with a sigh I rub my face and look down. Maze was still laying next to me asleep. "Sleep as much as you can today is going to be a long day." I whispered before looking at the clock. It was almost 6:00 AM, reaching over I turned my alarm off so that it wouldn't wake Maze up. He should sleep for another hour or so.

I got up and stretched being as quite as possible. Then I proceeded to get dressed, today Grizz and his team would be coming which would be perfect. Today was the day that Dusty would want to move the tribe, that means we can trick him into a battle over leadership. If we can get him to think that Grizz's teammates were weak then Dusty would be all too eager.

I hope my dad would agree to be the new leader. After I finished getting ready, I turned to check on Maze. He was starting to wake. I walked over and sat on the bed next to him. "Hey buddy. Ready for today?" Maze groaned before looking up at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked softly while he sat up and stretched his arms over his head. I chuckle and explain that today is moving day. "Oh yeah that." He said looking around the room.

I chuckle again. "Before that happens, we need to plan a prank for Grizz." I smirk as his smile grows bigger. "After all he still doesn't know your awake." I add with another smirk. Maze smirked as well as he jumped out of bed and ran to his room. I chuckle a bit before thinking of an idea, I think a classic jump scare would work perfectly.

Maze came running back into my room. When he did, I told him my plan and he went to set up our plan. Suddenly I get a text from Grizz saying he would be there in five minutes. "Hey Maze." I call out walking into the living room. He was hiding behind the couch so he could jump out. "They should be here five minutes. Remember the code word?" I asked as Maze nodded his head before bending down and hiding again.

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