Chapter 5

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After our teams were announced we were sent to our new rooms for the night. I found out that Onyx had actually meet May yesterday while we got separated. 'Good for her.' I thought with a smile. Onyx was pretty tall and had black hair. His eyes glowed an orange color. A top hat rested on top of his head. The man in front of me seemed to dress very nicely. Tonight would be the last night we slept on the ground. Our beds would arrive in the morning. "Ok well I'll see you guys in the morning." I said heading to bed. The others also went to bed after the long day. As I was laying down I waited to hear if everyone was asleep.

Once I made sure everyone was asleep I got up and left the room. I was in a sweatshirt and leggings while wearing some boots that I had. As I walked throughout the halls I made sure no one was following me or around the corner. I walked out and made sure my footsteps didn't make a sound. The moonlight shone through the windows as I made my way to the gardens. Before I had left I made sure that May would cover for me if any one woke up.

I reach the fountain outside of school and wait there for a few minutes. I had gotten a message from a certain red head that he needed to speak with me. That's when I heard the sound of a bird in a specific ring of notes. I got up knowing that he had arrived. I walked over to the cluster of trees. As I look around for him I suddenly feel a hand grab my wrist. Then their hand went over my mouth as they pulled me close. I was nervous at first, my body tensed, then I heard his voice. "Hey Ches." I instantly knew it was Adam. My body relaxed and he let me go.

"Hey Adam. Any special reason you wanted to meet with me tonight?" I asked looking up at his mask. 'He must of left Menagerie shortly after we did otherwise he wouldn't have been here that fast. He could have texted me instead of this as well.' I thought to myself. The faunus in front of me just looked down at me. Then he ran his hand through his hair before taking a breath in to begin to speak.

"Yes there is." I waited for him to continue. "How are you two doing so far?" He asked looking at me. I opened my mouth ready to answer. Then he quickly interrupted me.  "Never mind that's off topic." Adam said. I then close my mouth and wait to see what else he has to say. "Do you remember what your directions and rules said?" I tilted my head a little but nodded, yes. "Then why aren't you following one of them?" His voice was hard as he waited for my response. This time I was confused.

"What do you mean? I have followed everything so far. Adam, it's only the second day of our mission." Then realization hit me. "Have you been following me?" I took a step back. At this he just took a step forward.

"Ches I told you not to get attached to anybody, remember?" Then one name popped into my mind. 'Hunter.' "You need to stay away from him." His hissed him. Venom would be dripping from his mouth at how harsh he said it. I took another step back. With each step I took back he took one forward. "I said you could go on this mission if you could follow my directions." My back hits one of the many trees in the area.

"Adam we aren't close. It's just a cover so people think I'm normal and not a spy." I say with shaky confidence. Adam watches me closely trying to decide whether I am lying or not. Then he sighs and takes a step back. "I promise I am only getting 'Close' so that I can blend in more. That way our cover won't be blown."

Adam turns to look at me again. "Ches I just don't want to see you hurt. I also don't want to see you betray me like Blake."  His voice was as cold as ice. I swallow hard at the mention of her name. 'Does he know she goes to Beacon?' I think to myself as he continues. "Like I said before be careful and don't get too attached got it?" I nod my head and before I know it he disappears from sight.

I let out a shaky breath I didn't realize I was holding in. Once I made sure no one was walking around I head back to my room. Luckily it looks like everyone had all staid asleep while I was gone. I got back into my sleeping bag hoping for a dreamless sleep. I unfortunately wasn't granted that request.

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