Chapter 1

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"She went to Beacon."

Those words went through my head a couple times before I processed them. 'She went to Beacon.' When I looked back up at my younger sister her expression was joyful. 'Did she know something I didn't?' I thought to myself looking at her.

"Mayonaka how do you know she went to Beacon? She could be anywhere why would she choose a school to become a huntress?" I asked, a small tone of hurt behind my voice. Part of me knew what she was going to say next.

"Well whenever Blake and I talk she talks about her dream of becoming a huntress." Her wings fluttered a bit as she talked about where their friend had gone. It was May's dream too. It was her dream but she was too scared to go after it. "She said if she was ever given the opportunity she would go to Beacon." Then her voice got serious. "Not to mention how much she talked about leaving the White Fang at the end."

I look around to make sure no one was near. The dark alley way shadowed our faces. "And you haven't told anyone right?" I asked looking up into her blue eyes that were framed by her long, wavy, black hair. The moonlight bounced off her pale face as she nodded her head. In my opinion you can never be too careful about who's watching you.

"Cheshá, I don't talk to anyone much besides you, Adam, Blake, mom, my dad, and Kali." Her lips moved with precision as if she had studied that set of words for a long time, she did this a lot when she wasn't focused. I could tell May was dreaming. The way her eyes looked at you but weren't focused on you gave it away. Her leathery bat wings fluttered at the thought of being somewhere else.

"May just promise me not to talk to anyone else about this." The young fifteen-year-old girl in front of me nodded her head. "Any way Adam said he wanted to talk to me later. I should head out." My fox ears twitched as I made sure we weren't being watched.

May nodded her head. One moment she was waving goodbye and in the next she was gone flying through the air. I smiled as I watched her soar. The next thing I knew I was walking down some of the other alleys in Menagerie. Before I knew it a familiar tall, red haired man was walking next to me. "Took you long enough." He huffed looking at me through his mask. In the past few months Adam had changed so much I barely knew him anymore.

"What can I say." I shrugged and smiled at him. "I was talking with May. You know how it is sometimes." He nodded his head as we walked to our usual hangout. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" My voice was clear but soft as we walked in the middle of the night.

Adam looked over his shoulder as if someone was following us. "I will tell you once we get there." His voice was hard. I didn't argue with him. That was one thing that didn't change about our relationship. I never argued with him no matter what. As we walked further we decided it was best to stay quite. My orange hair fell past my fox ears. My green eyes darted back and forth ready to spring into attack if I was ambushed. That was something you just picked up if you were part of the White Fang. You always have to stay on your toes.

After a few more minutes of walking in silence we arrived at our special place. It was small but secluded. Only four people knew about it. Blake, Mayonaka, Adam, and myself. It was an abandoned tree house on the edge of the city. The orange paint on the outside has been worn away. We only knew the true color because we had been using it for so long. Adam let me climb up first. Once I was up I waited for Adam to climb in after me. "Slow poke." I joked with him.

Adam ignored my teasing and sat on one of the chairs we had up there while I sat on the ground.  It was then I realized we had started to get to big for our hiding place. Well Adam was too big for this place. I seemed to fit inside just fine. The man with horns opened his mouth to say something but then closed it. I had a feeling he was going to ask why I wasn't sitting in one of the chairs. "Do you know where Blake is?" He finally asked after a few long moments. Several thoughts went racing through my head. 'Should I tell him? After what I heard is it safer for Blake if he doesn't know? Who should I be more loyal to? Blake or Adam . . . ?'

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