Chapter 12

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"Why can't we have today off?" I complain as I feel May shake my shoulder. "It's the day after a dance and we are being forced to go to school today? What is this a dictatorship?" I roll over and try to hide my face under the blankets.

I feel more pairs of eyes on me after a few moments. "You know what this is a dictatorship." The green haired male replies. I slightly pull the covers off my face so I can see him. "I am the King! You are my lovely Queen and those two are the Duke and Duchess." He smirks as he pulls all the covers off my body. A laugh escapes my body as I try to hug myself to trap in my body heat. "Come on we get our first mission this morning! That's got to be exciting right?"

He pulls my body up and brings me in for a hug. I smile and hug him back enjoying the warmth. "Ok fine I'll get up. Only because my King wouldn't survive without me." I smirk and look up at him as he rolls his eyes. Once we break from the hug I grab my clothes and head into the bathroom to go and change.

Once I am in my school uniform we all head to the meeting place where we wait to hear a speech from Ozpin. It only takes a couple minutes for him to give a speech about history. How we ended a huge war eighty years ago. How people started to name their kids after colors in defiance. After it ends we are able to walk around to choose a mission.

I have to keep an eye on what mission we choose because late last night I got a message from Adam. There was a special mission going on somewhere in the south. He wanted us to stay as far away as we could. So as I looked around at the different missions I pay close attention to the locations. "How about we start small this time around?" I ask looking at my team mates.

After they thought about it they all nod their heads in agreement. When I walk around I notice one that is up in north Vale. "Oh how about this one? Looks like they are transporting a big shipment and need extra bodies to protect it." After they look it over they all agreed. Not too hard that we fail, but not too easy that we would fall asleep while doing it. I walk over to the board and write our team name up. Once it was accepted I lead my team away from the boards so that others could come up and look too.

"Ok so It says we leave tomorrow." Onyx said looking at his scroll. I nod my head and let Onyx lead us back to the dorm room. "We'll have to pack tonight. There's a list on here of what we'll need." I nod my head and look over at Hunter to see if he's listening. When I look over I see Hunter glaring at something. I follow his gaze and realize that it's not something, it's someone. Cardin. I reach out for Hunter's hand and hold it pulling him along.

His gaze turns to me a little confused. I give him a smile and lean my head on his shoulder. I feel him chuckle a bit as we continue to walk. Once we make it to the room Onyx starts to list out what we need. "Food rations, water bottles, first aid, flash light, matches, blanket, and dust. Only if your weapons need it." He said looking around for his backpack. I smile and quickly pack the items that were listed.

"Anybody got an extra flashlight?" Hunter asked turning his head around the room.

I raise my hand and hold up my extra flashlight. "I do." I toss it to him and he catches it stuffing it into his bag quickly. "Don't forget about an extra pair of clothes." I say looking at the other three around the room. Once we finish we all decide it's a good idea to get some rest.

Soon the sun raises waking us up. Today I had an easier time getting up. In fact, I was the first up. Once I get dressed I feel my scroll vibrate. I pull it out looking at who decided to call me. I answer is as I walk outside of my dorm room. "Hello?" I ask walking down the hall.

A familiar voice answers back. "Hey Ches. It's me Adam. Just wanted to know where you are heading today?" I smile and think that he's so caring checking up on me. Like a big brother.

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