Special Chapter

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I sat in a chair in front of my vanity. One of Mauve's close friends was doing my hair for the big day. I wiggled in the chair excitedly. "Stop moving!" a laughing voice spoke. The woman behind me had long red hair. I was introduced to her about two years ago when I was six. The lady seemed pretty nice. Her name was Ginger Hale.

"But I'm sooooo excited! I get to be the flower girl in their wedding!" I smiled and tried to stay still. Ginger just laughed behind me. Once she finished my hair, it was up in a bun with little bits off to the side, she grabbed some earrings to decorate my normal ears and my fox ears. Vester had made a special request to my father to be able to show them.

Ginger then helped me into my dress. It was a white dress about knee length. I wore white tights underneath. My shoes were also white with a light pink bow on top of them. There was a light pink bow in my hair and around my waist. "Ok I think our flower girl is ready." Ginger lead me to the mirror so I could see what I looked like.

My jaw dropped once I looked in the mirror. "No way! I look amazing." The lady behind me smiled and nodded her head. Once I had finished looking at myself Ginger went and got into her light pink dress. I watched her as she did a similar style with her hair. Once she was done she handed me my basket.

"Ok Cheshá lets go find the bride." I laugh and follow her. My face was so bright and happy. Today was going to be so much fun, we were going to have cake and ice cream for dessert. 'Just think about what flavor it's going to be!' I think to myself as we look for Mauve. Once we find what room she's in Ginger knocks. "Can we come in M?"

"Of course. Just waiting for you two actually." I smile and rush in first. "Wow Ches you look beautiful! Just what I was thinking. Thank you so much Ginger!" Ginger laughed a little and brushed off the compliment with a pretend hair flip. Then she went to help Mauve with her hair.

I ended up sitting outside the bathroom waiting for them to get done. After what felt like hours Mauve finally comes out. "Mauve! You look beautiful!" I smile and dance around her a little bit. Before I continue on Ginger pulls out her dress. I just smiled and watch as the bride slips into her dress.

The dress was strapless with a sweet heart neckline. It had a small train and poofed out a little bit. "How do I look?" Mauve asked. Ginger and I stood back and let our mouth hang open. "W-what is something wrong?" Mauve begins to fret and looks at herself in the mirror.

"No. No Mauve you look beautiful. We are just at a loss for words." Ginger says walking closer. "A real princess I'd say!" They both smile and laugh as I shake my head a little to clear the shock.

"Mauve you look amazing! Vester will love it!" At that Mauve blushes a bit and we all laugh. Our laughing soon dies down and I go and look at the time. "MAUVE! It's 8:50. The ceremony starts at 9:00! We need to hurry!" I grab my basket and head over to where the ceremony would start with Ginger and Mauve trailing behind me. The wedding was relatively small. There was about thirty people all together. My father actually showed up, which I was happy about.

First Ginger walked down the aisle with a bouquet in her hands. Vester smiled at her as she set up on the other side. Vester's best man, Jerry Carpenter, was standing behind the groom as they waited for Mauve to walk down. After I was given the que, I walk down the aisle dropping petals as I go. Mauve walks in after I do. I smile and stand behind Ginger as Mauve meets Vester at the altar.

The ceremony lasts for about thirty minutes. Once Mauve and Vester end their first kiss as husband and wife they motion me over to walk out first dropping more petals. This was the first wedding I had ever been to and it was simply romantic.

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