Chapter 13

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A/N Hello everyone! Thank you for sticking with me this far! This chapter wasn't going to be a thing but I got quite a few comments that I should. So this chapter is a little shorter than most of the other ones. Anyway I hope you enjoy see you guys next time!

The lights shown down on us. The Vital Festival was upon us, and we were the first team to go. It was the battle between Team CHOM and Team LAGN. Each team had their weapons in hand. We were all smiles as we looked at each other. After knowing each other pretty well it felt like this was just going to be a friendly battle.

Hunter and Grizz were having a conversation between themselves. Soon our professors announced that the battle would start. There was a smirk on my face as I watched the other team get their weapons ready.

When we looked at the boards to see what conditions we would be fighting in we noticed that the first one was a baren land with crystals poking out. Looking over at May I notice she is excited to use her semblance.

The next area that appears is some kind of island surrounded by water. 'Crap Azula is going to love that.' I mentally curse to myself. Soon the professors started their count down.

As they were counting down I look over at my team. We had talked a little bit about what our first moves would be. Now that we had a visual we would go ahead an proceed.

"5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Begin!" The timer went off. We waited a few seconds as they charged at us. Once they were closer I nodded my head at my team. We all rushed to Hunter so that he could use his semblance to take us somewhere else in the arena.

When we looked up again we were on their side which was the gem area. "OK May do your thing. We will distract." Nodding her head she rushed off somewhere to use her semblance. "OK lets go." Before we went forward I used my semblance so that my copy was next to me. I needed to get one of them to follow my clone.
Rushing forward we went to attack  the other team. I sent my clone away from the battle towards the water area to throw them off.

Grizz took the bait and went after it. Luckily my clone would be faster then him and keep him occupied. I came up to Levi ready to attack on a moments notice. He had his spear ready to attack me. Now I had to just dodge him so that Grizz could still be distracted.

He made the first move by sending a fire vortex my way. Then he changed his weapon so that it was now a bow that fired fire arrows. I did a couple back flips to get away from the vortex only to find fire arrows being shot rapidly at me. Narrowing my eyes I was able to bend certain way to dodge them.

Looking over at Hunter I see him battling with Azula. For the most part he was keeping his distance since she was better at close combat. Looking over at Levi I knew I had to make an attack of some kind. Changing my bow into fans I charge at him. Not having enough time to change his weapon he rolls out of the way.

Unfortunately I missed and looked up to see Onyx fighting with Nell. "OK May any time now." I said as I felt that my clone was defeated. In a few minutes Grizz would be back.

Looking behind me I see that May is on her way along with her creation. While it was fragile it was strong too. I smiled knowing we had the upper hand right now. Looking to Levi his eyes widened as he looked behind me. May's creation, to put it simply, was a big gem beast. With a roar it came and swiped at Levi while he was still shocked about seeing it. Levi was thrown out of the arena. A smirk appeared on my fave as May went to find Grizz.

I went over to help Onyx with Nell. She was using her semblance to guide the bullets exactly how she wanted. Looking around I went to try and sneak up behind her. Unfortunately she saw my sneak attack and changed her sniper rifle into a sword. I had my fans in my hand as I tried to attack her. She was able to block me easily with her sword.

Onyx came closer with his sickles. Soon it was a two on one fight. Suddenly we all freeze as we hear the crashing of something. The crystal giant had fallen. "Hunter!" I called as he knew exactly what to do.

Azula started to chase him but I stopped her. I knew that Onyx could handle himself. "Well you guys aren't doing too bad." I say with a smirk as we start to circle each other.

"You guys aren't doing to bad either." She said with a smirk on her own. We continue to fight but soon I heard a scream. Looking over for a brief second I saw Onyx flying out of the arena. "Looks like its three on three again." Azula said charging at me with her gauntlets. I dodged her for the most part.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nell heading to where Hunter and May were. 'Oh no.' I thought to myself. 'Focus Ches! Take care of Azula then go and help the others.' When I look back over a gauntlet is flying towards me. I am quickly able to duck before kicking my legs out to knock her over. Spreading my fans out again I get ready as she quickly gets back up. 

After a few minutes of trading blows I hear another ding, someone got knocked out of the ring. With gritted teeth I jump back and change my weapon into a bow before using my semblance again. This would probably be the last time this battle that I could use it. My double changes back into fans as I go to the trees to shoot arrows. Before I could shoot an arrow Azula had used what water was around her to attack the clone. My clone dissipated before she realized it wasn't me.

With accuracy I am able to use a combustion arrow. Azula still didn't know where I was when the arrow hit her. The blue haired girl flew back and out of the arena. "Now to find my team." I said hoping that they were both still there. Another ding rang through the arena as I ran. 

When I find the others I see that Hunter and Nell are fighting. 'Grizz and May must of been kicked out.' I commented before going to high ground to use my bow to hopefully slow Nell down. Before I notice the pattern I see Nell put one of her signature moves into action. Using her semblance she activated a big gust of wind that blew Hunter out of the arena. "Shit." I hissed before looking at Nell again. 

Changing my weapon to fans I run up to meet her. A sword in her hand as we battle it out to see who the winner will be. I could tell her goal was to knock me off balance by using quick jabs. After a few moments of back and forth blows I find my opening. Dashing forward I swing my leg up and kick her towards the edge. She slides over before I use my fans to slice at her again to knock her off. 

Victory was in my eyes, in a moment the look disappeared quickly. Nell wasn't done, she used her semblance again to pull me back out of the arena. I sighed before standing up and shaking hands with Nell. "Nice move." I said with a bright smile, she nodded her head still extremely into her shy tendencies.  

When we went to go and look to see who won we all were shocked to learn it was a tie. I looked at my team confused about what would happen. Soon it is announced what will happen, "You will each choose a representative to arm wrestle."

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