Chapter 24

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Mayonaka POV

I was nervous, my hands and forehead were sweating as I walked with Koa and Hermes to the airport. Today Onyx and Hunter were flying from Atlas to meet me in Mistral. "Chin up Mayonaka, if I understand them like you have explained then it should be fine." Hermes said flipping his coin while he was walking.

Koa looked at Hermes and rolled her eyes. "Nice try but I don't think that will help her calm her nerves. May, we believe in you and know that we will be with you every step of the way." The girl beside me smiled and moved her hair so it wasn't all hanging in her face.

Hermes playfully glared at his girlfriend, "Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't think that helped either." Soon we were all laughing.

"Thank you both, you both have helped calmed me down a little. I don't know what I would do without you guys." I looked over at the two people walking to my right, they had bittersweet expressions on their faces. "Don't worry guys, everything will work out. I have to be confident in that regard." Even if I don't believe it, I had to pretend like I did otherwise I wouldn't be able to move forward.

"Airship from Atlas unloading now." We heard the announcement on the loudspeaker. It only made my heart rate beat faster. Now we were waiting for the passengers to come into the waiting lobby. My eyes scanned the area as people passed by, so far no one was here. 'Maybe it's the wrong flight.' I said in my head as I continued to watch.

Soon it seemed like everyone who was on the plane had come out. Just as I was about to go and sit down again the door opened. I knew I wasn't ready, as soon as I saw his face tears started to stream down my face. My cheeks were getting hot with embarrassment, but I didn't care right now. My legs seemed to move on their own, the wings on my back fluttered as I ran to the person who had caused all these emotions to flood me.

When I reached him, I jumped into his arms and started to spill all the thoughts in my head. "Onyx, I'm so sorry for leaving without saying anything, for not writing a letter to you either. I'm sorry I got us all into this mess, i-if only I had guided Chesha down a better path, w-we could of helped Beacon instead of h-helping make it fall." More and more apologizes fled my lips as I held onto him tightly. I could feel that he hadn't returned the hug yet. "I love you Onyx." I stopped after that, now I thought it would be best to pull back.

As I started to pull away, I felt his arms wrap around me protectively. "Don't go." He whispered pressing one hand on the small of my back and the other one of the back of my head. More tears started to cloud my eyes as I buried my face into his chest. I honestly didn't expect him to react this way. My tears were being absorbed by his mantel and all I wanted to do was apologize more.

It felt like we stayed there for ages, I had no idea what Koa, Hermes, or Hunter were doing. I didn't care, Onyx was with me and I felt loved and protected. I wanted to stay there longer but Onyx's voice rang in my ears. "We should probably get out of the walkway." When I looked up into his eyes, I could tell he had been crying too, but he had already wiped them away. I nod my head as he began to wipe the tears still on my face. Before we moved another step, he kissed my forehead. I felt his hand grab mine and lead me to where the others were standing.

As I walked up to the other three people I noticed that Hunter had a questioning look on his face as Hermes glared at him. "What's going on?" I asked still holding Onyx's hand. Hermes turned to us and began to smile.

Ignoring my question, Hermes looked straight at Onyx with his hand out. "Nice to meet ya, I'm Hermes, fastest Faunus alive." He said with a big grin across his face. "Since Mayo's dad is not here I will be him for the time being." Suddenly, his face turned into a stoic expression that was nothing like my dad.

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