chapter 1

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Samuel's P.O.V.

"Mutt, get here and make me breakfast!!!", screamed my father. Well, if I could call him that. I meant this man treated me like a slave and beat me up each day, not that it was any different from what the people in my pack and bullies at school did to me...

Ending the small conversation I had with myself, I got up from my bed or should I say worn out cot and made my way to the pile of clothes stacked in one of the corner of my room. I basically lived in the unfinished basement, which looked like the interior of an abandoned warehouse, I didn't have the luxury of a closet or bathroom. The few clothes I owned were on the ground and if I wanted to go to the restroom to do my things or wash myself I had to do it when nobody was home or when my 'father' was passed out drunk.

My mother died in a car crash when I was 7 and from then on my father started to drink away his sadness. When I reached the fresh age of 8, he started to hit me and treat me like a slave. I knew I should hate him but I couldn't because it was my fault that his mate died, it was only normal that I paid for it...

After dressing myself in black skinny jeans and a grey hoodie, I walked to the kitchen and started to make some pancakes and sausages. When I finished, I dropped the plate in front of him and started to make my way to the front door because I knew that he didn't want to waste any food on me. I meant, I was a waste of space and I shouldn't even exist. Nobody wanted me and my mate would definitely reject me.

I let out a sigh, grabbed my backpack and began my long walk to school.

We lived 2 miles away from school and I needed to walk it each day because I had nobody to drive me there. My father hated me so it was not an option and I didn't have any friend because I was an emo omega. Everyone hated me, everyone bullied me... I should just die... No, no, no, bad Samuel, bad omega. If I died then who would take care of my father? Who would make him his food? Who would be his punching bag? I couldn't die, not yet...

Finally reaching the school, I made my way to my class because I knew that if I went to my locker I would surely take a beating from my bullies. My main bullied were the pack's Alpha's son, his beta and his bitc-*cough* I meant girlfriend. The Alpha's son's name was Marc, his beta was Vincent and his girlfriend was Samantha. Samantha was the school's slut, she slept with every guy in the building.

Just as I was walking in my class, something or someone grabbed my hoodie's hood, led me to the nearest restroom and threw me in one of the corner. Turning around, I faced my worst nightmare... Marc and his gang, looking at me with creepy smile on their faces, making me shiver with fear.

Hey dear reader, I just wanted to say that I'll make each chapter with ~500 words and will updates every weeks. See you soon~~~😉

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