chapter 13

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Here's the chapter of yesterday!

Look at this little sweetheart😍😍😍

Alexander P.O.V

"Oh so you are saying that my mate is a piece of trash?" I asked them with my alpha tone. I was sincerely pissed by those idiot that think they can insult my mate and not get a punishment.

"W-what? That good for nothing omega is your mate? It's impossible! If someone have to be your mate it should be me!" a girl at the left of the alpha said. I could tell by her scent that she was their pack's slut and she think that she should be my mate? Ew! And did she just insult him too?

Well seem like there will be more people at the dungeon tonight! I'm sure that the prisoners will be happy to have a feminine presence in their cell...😈😈😈

"Yes it's true alpha! You shouldn't accept this piece of shit as your mate! He's just a punching bag and he has been raped by his father before so he isn't a virgin anymore! He's just a bitch for old men! You should reject him and chose a female that isn't a bitch like your mate!" the Alpha's son, I think, said. He looked like the exact replica of the Alpha so I guessed that he was his son. After he finished talking, everyone in the ballroom started to mumble with each other. Samuel started to shake and gripped my shirt harder with his little hands. How dare they humiliate him! Wait? Did he just said that it was Samuel's father that raped him!? This little shit...

" What pack are you from?" I asked them. After they tell me I will lead a team to lock all of them apart from the children up and put them in the prison. Let's see if they enjoy being beaten to the blink of death but not to death and if the women enjoy being raped by the prisoners. Of course I won't ever order some innocents to be raped and beaten so I will do a little interrogation before and only if they had harm my mate or someone else then I will put them in a cell. If they are innocent I will ask them if they want to join my pack or look for a new one. Of course, they will be judged innocent only if they didn't harm anyone, haven't encouraged the harm of anyone and didn't know or saw that someone was being harmed if not then they are guilty.

"We are from the red crescent's pack", said the Alpha with a face full of pride. He really disgust me, soon he will not have anything to take pride on eheheh...

"From now on the red crescent's pack is banned for hurting my mate and their pairs and all the member will be interrogated and judged for their crime, any pack that help them will be considered traitor and will have the same treatment." I said with a neutral face but inside of me I was smiling evilly as I saw the face of the member and of the Alpha fell into one of terror and rage. Hehehe revenge taste so sweet...😈😈😈

My guards soon took them all to the dungeons as they screamed and yelled at me that they were innocent and that the bitch that's called my mate lied to me. They even dare to insult him more time and I took note of those who dares to make their punishment worst.

"Now that the botherers are gone I would like to tell you that I found my mate! His name is Samuel and I would like to all of you to treat him like you treat me!", I said with my alpha tone and applause soon filled the room with many people screaming congratulation or make pups soon. Samuel's face turned dark red as he heard the last comment but then turned pale and he looked afraid. I immediately told them to enjoy the night and took him bridal style to my room. I didn't know what scarred him but I could guest that he thought that he is obligated to sleep with me to give me pups and he feels bad for not being ready. I dropped him on my bed and went to an adjacent room to look for my hamster. I received it from my mother when I couldn't find my mate. Now I will give it to him to make him feel better because I know that even if I tell him that I will wait for when he's ready he will feel bad.

(Pita on the picture at the top and I don't know how old hamster can live so let imagine that he is immortal ok?deal)

" Bambi, let me present you my hamster Pita. I would like if you could take care of him please. Can you do that for me?" I asked as I put Pita in his hands. He immediately looked at it with stars in the eyes as if it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Shit now I feel jealous, I shouldn't have gave him Pita...

"Y-you're sure? I can r-really have him?", he asked with a voice full of hope and his eyes sparkling. He was so cute! At this moment I decided to do everything to see those eyes sparkling again.

"Mmhm" I nodded and watched with adoration as he petted Pita and told him that he was now in charge of taking care of it and that he must take good care of it. He also started to say tones of thing they could do together.

I wonder, as I watched them, what I did in my life to have a mate so cute and perfect.

Hey dear reader, I hope you liked this chapter~
Pita is so cute!~
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See ya next tuesday~😉

(931 words)

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