chapter 25

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Chapter of June 17th

Alexander P.O.V

I told the person to come in and it immediately made all my blood flow to my groin. My mate waddled in my office with the bed sheets wrapped around him, still wearing my t-shirt while he rubbed his eyes with his right fist and yawned. Man just knowing that it's because we mated that he's tired made me hard. Images of last night popped in my head and I shifted to adjust my uncomfortable boner in my pants. I was still wearing sweatpants so it's not as painful than with jeans but it still is and we can see clearly that I have a boner. I hid my lower half under my desk and leaned my elbows on it while resting my head on my hands.

"Hello Bambi, what are you doing here?" I asked with a soft smile. It's not that I didn't want to see him but I thought that he would prefer to watch a movie or something else, not come to my boring office. I calmed my perverted thoughts by imagining old grandma's boobs because I didn't want to make love to him in my office before my beta and while he is possibly pregnant. I would need to learn about male omega pregnancy to avoid hurting the baby or Sam and be aware of what I can do and what I can't. Also I'm afraid that if I enter him, I will accidentally poke the baby with my penis. I shuddered at the thought.

"I w-wanted to be near y-you" he answered in a small voice while a blush quickly spread all over his face, even his ears were red. What a cutie. I motioned for him to come sit on my lap with a goofy grin and he became even more red if it's even possible. He took small step toward me and finally stood at my left side therefore I got out of under the desk and mentally thanked the moon goddess for not having a boner anymore. He hesitated a little but finally gave in and turn his back to me. My hand found his hips and I gently pulled him on my lap while he let out a little squeak. I turned my body to return facing my desk. My left hand positioned itself on his belly and started to draw circle. He let out a contented sigh and let the back of his head fall on my shoulder. I give a small peck on my mark and felt him shudder in pleasure. As much as I would love to continue where it may go, like I said earlier I don't want to traumatize our pups with my stick and I need to finish my paperwork. I laid my chin on his shoulder after nuzzling my mark with my nose a few times and sniffing it to scent our mixed scent. I then continued where I left and soon I could hear the steady breathing of Samuel.

James was just sitting on the couch all the time and watching us with an amused expression on his face but I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes. It must be because he have still yet to find his mate. He's just three years younger than me so he's supposed to have found his mate four years ago, sadly he's still mateless. I really hope he will find his mate soon because he's one of the few people I consider as family, James is like a little brother to me and it hurt me to see him sad. I mentally shook my head to get rid of my sad thoughts, because I didn't want to wake up my mate, and continued with my boring work. After what felt like days but actually were hours, I finished all the paper I had to do. Habitually, I'm really drained after handling this much business and I felt like it was more long than it is, but when I started to feel tired I just needed to sniff my mate and all my energy came back. It also felt shorter. I guess having a mate not only help to have a family but also with duty, that's why nobody should reject their mate least of all an Alpha! It could, and surely would, affect all the pack and may lead the pack to his ruin. It's not the only reason I didn't reject Samuel, it's also because I fell in love with him at first sight and I don't see why I should reject him or shouldn't love him. He's cute, sexy, funny, innocent, beautiful, calm, shy and many more. I feel honored to have a mate like him. I don't care if he's a male and an omega because it didn't make him any more different than an Alpha or a female. Sure he's more weak physically but he compense it with a beautiful heart and mind.

I love him so much!

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(830 words)

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