chapter 21

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Hey guys, so it's my first bed scene so don't be rude please😣. Also, as Dark_Of_Stars suggested I'm going to do both P.O.V in this chapter. Finally, LOVE-CRUSH gave me suggestion about who should be Alexander but I can't choose between Devin Paisley and Mario Ermito so who would you like? Now enjoy~
Edit: Alex will now be Nick Bateman!

Samuel P.O.V

After I nodded and assured Alexander that I was ready, he mindlinked someone and told them to put our thing from the shopping earlier in a guest room with Pita and to take care of it. He also ordered everyone to not disturb us until we got out of the room or mindlinked them again. He took my hand and led me to his room or more like our room now. I was starting to become anxious because I'm afraid that it will hurt like with my father or that I won't be good enough for Alex but I quickly shook my head to got rid of such thoughts. I need to trust my mate, he won't hurt me. He opened the door and I was gobsmacked at the sight that greeted me.

The room was painted in a creamy teinte but we could only see the paint of the ceiling because the wall were covered. The bed was in the middle of the right wall and his end was facing the left wall. It was white on the top and the bottom was a brown-red with many design on. There were two small pillow with lines of brown, red and black on two white pillow that were resting on one big white pillow. On all those pillows was one really small red pillow. On the end of the bed was a little bloody red throw. Before the bed was a dark brown table with a lamp on and a stand at its right. At the end of the bed was a stand in a heart shape with a black and white checkered pattern and a des center. There was also a T.V embedded in a furniture piece that took all the wall facing the bed. At the right of the bed there were a dark table and a grey sofa with a lamp on it. The wall at the back was entirely made of glass so we could normally see outside but right now there was a big red curtain hiding the view. There was a door on the left wall before the T.V that must led to a bathroom but now was not the time to explore it.

Alex led me to the bed and looked at me one last time as to ask me if I was really ready. I nodded and he slowly approached his face towards mine before closing his eyes at the same time as mine before clashing his lips on mine. The kiss was slow and loving, my arms quickly snaked their way at both sides of his neck and my hands tangled themselves in his hair. He groaned as I pulled at his hair and his arm circled my waist and pressed me to his body. He bit on my bottom lips and took advantage of my gasp to enter my mouth with his tongue. His hot muscle slowly explored my mouth as if he wanted to find each and every detail of it and print it in his head. His tongue finished its inspection and find mine. Our tongues started to dance a tango and roll around each other as sound of moan, groan, sucking and heavy breathing were heard in the room. I felt his hands slowly crawling under my clothes and I shuddered at the coldness. As we separated our tongues and mouths, a sliver of saliva connected our tongues and fell on my chin when it broke. Alex lick it and take the em of the t-shirt I change in at the mall before taking it off. I shudder as the cold air hit my naked torso but I quickly concentrated on my mate when he began to tug on the jeans I had changed in. He pull them down with my boxers after taking my shoes and socks off. He stood up again and took off his own shirt. I slowly let my hand travel down his torso to his abs in amazement of his wonderful body and I felt him shudder in pleasure. I took off his shoes and sock before I got on my knees and slowly slid his jeans and boxers down to let his erection spring free. I gulped nervously as I see his length. Let me tell you, it was a real monster. His dick was the biggest I have ever seen, not that I have seen many, but I'm sure as hell that it was physically impossible to have one this big. It was as hard as possible with precum already leaking from the mushroom head and slowly travelling down the big vein under the dick until it reached the small curls of brown hair at the base. I shyly licked my lips in anticipation before slowly licking the trail of precum form the base to the head and sucking on the tip. I heard him take a sharp breath in before I completely took him in my mouth. He groaned as I tried to take him fully in my warm channel as I relaxed my throat and put him to the back of my throat, I couldn't take him entirely, so I put one hand to engulf what didn't want to enter and started to bob my head while fondling his balls with my other hand. He groaned when I hollow my cheeks to create more suction and after a few minutes he came in my mouth. I swallowed all his semen and licked him clean before he grabbed my biceps and gently threw me on the bed. I was scarred at first but after seeing his loving gaze as he looked at me and hearing his word of praise I let myself relax and lay with my arm around his shoulders and my legs on each side of him.

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