chapter 15

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Hey guys, I just saw that there is something confusing in the story. So the Alpha of the packs and their family are allowed in the ball to watch their unmated male and female to be sure nothing happen to them.

Samuel P.O.V

"Is everything alright Bambi? Why is your face so red? Do you perhaps have a fever!?" Alexander said with worry laced in his voice and fear at the last sentence. He quickly came towards me and put his hand on my forehead. I could feel all the blood of my body converging toward my face even more. If I wasn't already a tomato now I was for sure.

"You seem a little too hot..." he said with furrowed eyebrow. His yes were full of concern and I felt a sting in my heart at this sight. Even if I enjoy having him worry about me and being this close I should escape quickly.

"I-I am going to take a s-shower now!" I hurriedly said and quickly made my way to the bathroom as to avoid further embarrassment. Before entirely closing the door, I heard him tell me to be cautious and to not stay too long under the shower. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment as I took off my clothes and started the shower. As I was washing myself I finally took the time to observe the bathroom. It seriously looked like it was made for a king. The bathroom was painted in light brown and cream and the furniture was brown. When you enter the bathroom there is an cupboard at your left with a dryer and a washing machine in. You can't see the shower because it's behind the cupboard so when the person enter he can't see the person in the shower. After the shower there is a bath that's under a window. At the right there is a vanity with a big mirror and a small mirror that can be replaced. Under the vanity is a small bench that can be removed. In top of the bench there is a drawer that contain all the stuff like toothbrush, brush, toothpaste and more. At the right of the vanity, there is a support with white towel on it and there is also a full body mirror.

How can someone have enough money to buy a bathroom like that!? I'm so poor... Well, I just don't have money at all but it's not the point.

I washed my hair and got out of the shower. I took a towel and immediately became captivated at how fluffy it was. It felt like it was made of cloud, but not any cloud, cloud from heavens! Holy shit! I started to frantically rub my body against the towel, it was so fluffy! And this is the sight Alex saw when he came in.

We both froze and looked at each other. Me looking like a deer caught in the spotlight of a car and him looking like he just saw an UFO coming down just before him and a few aliens coming out of it and walking away like nothing happen. Now let me remind you of something. I'M COMPLETELY NAKED! Like, in my birthday suit! With nothing but a towel on front of me! And now let's talk about my reaction. I screeched like a banshee and threw the towel at him. I quickly turned my back to him and hugged myself to try and make myself as small as humanly possible.

"Omg I'm so sorry, Sam! I thought that you were still in the shower! I thought that you may not see where I put your clothes so I called you but you didn't respond! I thought something happened and panicked! I'm so sorry! The cloth are in the dryer to keep them warm. Bye!" he said without a breath and with his face facing the other way. I could see a hint of red on his ears but I'm sure that my face was redder than that. After the last sentence he closed the door and I slowly unwrapped myself.

Well, that was SOOO awkward.

I finished to dry myself and opened the dryer. Like he said, the clothes he landed me were nicely folded in a pile and when I took them they were still warm. He is so gentle with me and so worry about my well being... I feel so loved. But I don't know if I deserve it... No! No negative thought is allowed in my mind! If he didn't want to dot on me he wouldn't do it! Stop thinking nonsense!

I mentally cheered myself and quickly put on the clothes. I didn't want him to come in again and see me naked! I grabbed the toothbrush that looked new and hopped that it was as I squeezed the mint toothpaste on it. I brushed my teeth and found a brush to tame the wild monster I call hair. After relieving myself, I finally looked in the mirror and face myself. Clothes, check. Hair, check. Teeth, check. Bladder, check.

Ok, now let's face my first night with my mate.

Hey dear reader, I'm so excited to their first night!🤗🤗🤗
Do you think they will mate? Or will Samuel be haunted by his memories? Let me know what you think!

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See ya next tuesday~

(818 words)

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