already one year...

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Hey dear readers, it has now been one year since I started to write "His Alpha" serie. I would like to thank you all for your support, vote and comments.

I greatly enjoy having such wonderful people as my readers.

To be honest, it all started with a wish. I had always wished to be able to take feelings and put them into words. All my life, I was misunderstood. I had difficulty expressing myself and could only hold a scowling face all the time even though it wasn't my intention. I hated not being able to express my feelings and create misunderstands. People started to distance themselves from me because they thoughts I hated them while all I ever wanted was friends.

To escape this, I started to read. It became my little escape to reality. In the book I could imagine myself as one of the popular one and have a lot of friends. Then, I thought about it. If I couldn't express myself with my mouth, could I do it with my fingers?

So gave myself a goal, to start writting a little story. What was supposed to be a short story, which I thought I would stop writting after a few chapters, became a long story. Then I decided to write a serie. What was first a goal, became a passion.

I could finaly write feelings in words. To be honest, it also helped me in real life. I'm proud to say that I can express myself more clearly now. I'm still very misunderstood by many, but at least I have a few friends that understand me and know that I have difficulty expressing myself.

I read all of your comments guys and they are really making my days better.

Thank you to you all for being with me on this journey!

(Sorry for the mistakes, didn't edit)

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