chapter 32(epilogue)

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I'm currently writing this chapter while babysitting my little sister at the park. The sun's rays are killing me T.T

So, it's the last chapter enjoy~

Warning: not edited

The twins~

Samuel P.O.V

"Push, push!" The doctor said as huffed and screamed. It has been approximately nine months since the rogue's attack and I was currently giving birth to my pups. Yes, pups. We did an ultrasound a few months ago and found out that we were having twins. Two boys. Anyways, after the rogue's attack and the death of Eli's two dads, we talked about moving out with him and he accepted after a little hesitation. He was still sad about their deaths for a few months but the idea of having littles siblings soon brought him back in a happy mood.

I still catched him a few times looking in a daze with sad eyes, surely thinking about them, but the times were becoming lesser and lesser. He will always miss them but I hope that he will be able to call us dads one day. For now, he call us by our names but he accepted to be legally adopted by us a few weeks ago which made Alex and me extremely happy.

We moved in a small house in the next city after Elijah asked us. He told us that his friends and the city will remember him of his dads and that he needed time without always behind reminded of them. We were hesitant first but we agreed at the end. We let him choose the house and I must say that he really have a good taste. The house was small, but not suffocating, just enough to give a warm feeling. It was beautiful with the front filled with flowers and bushes. The house was composed of a big kitchen, our room, Elijah's room and the twins room. The twins room was right next to us for safety purpose, but there were a few others rooms if they wanted to have separate rooms when they get olders. There were a playroom, a room with a big tv and many game consoles, a outdoor pool and a garden. Our house was just in front of a forest so we can change in our wolf form at any time and go for a run.

Elijah alway has been a little more quiet than the other kids and it show in school. He didn't have any friends but after we asked, he told us he preferred reading than socializing so now we just ask times to times if he made any new friends. I was still a little worried but I can't do anything other than make sure he's comfortable with his life. Seeing him play with Pita while wearing a smile was also helping me accept his choice.

I came back to the reality and continue to push. I suddenly felt like I was delivered of a burden and heard the cry of two babies. I watched with clouded eyes as the doctor clean the twins and wrapped them in a coat. He lend me one of them and gave the other one to Alex. I watched in amazement as he wrinkled his nose after I gently poked his nose with mines. He was just so cute.

Alex and Elijah quickly approached me and asked if I was alright and if I was hurt after I started crying. I quickly reassured them by telling them that those were tears of happiness. It's true, I was crying of happiness, because the last knot that was in my heart was finally released. I didn't know I still had something holding me back. I was afraid of being abandoned. Even after mating with Alex and being pregnant I was still afraid. But now, being surrounded by my mate, Eli and my sons I finally let go of my last insecurities. Now, I had somewhere I belong.

The end

Hey dear reader! I hope you liked the ending! And yes, not mentioning James was intentional, no spoilers😉.

I will start writing Book 2 which will be about James and his mate, but school just started so it may take a little time(not much).

Also I don't know if I should rename "His Alpha" in "Somewhere I belong". Let me know what you think!

Thank you all for reading my book!

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See ya in the next book~😉

(624 words)

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