chapter 8

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Alex's suit
Alex P.O.V

Today was the day of the ball and, hopefully, the day I will find my mate. Those past few day were passed in organising the biggest ball ever held. We decided to host it in a mansion that we bought and that is near the pack's mansion as to not be robbed or something like that. The mansion is big enough as to host a little more than 2000 people, there will be guard at each door to be sure that only the female and male unmated are allowed.

It's not that it is impossible that my mate is already mated but even if they are right in front of me I won't be able to know that they are my mate because of their mark. We, werewolf, don't have wedding, instead it is called a mating ceremony and instead of the wedding ring it's a mark that we put on the nappe of the neck of our mate. The mating ceremony consist of love making😏 to impregn our mate with our seed and when we reach our peek the dominant in the relationship pierce the junction between the neck and the shoulder with his teeth to impregn the submissive with our scent.  

The scent of the dominant will then permanently stay on the submissive to show that they are already taken so I wouldn't be able to know if they are my mate.

Also, we bought food and drink from all around the world to satisfy all tastes and in great quantity because of the number of people attending the ball.

Anyway, I contacted all my subordinates to be sure that everything is in order one last time. After receiving the confirmation, I went to my room to put on my suit and gel my hair. I checked myself in the mirror one last time and made my way to the main room, where the guests were led, to say my speech and look for my mate.

“Hello everyone!”, I said with my alpha's tone, I waited for the noise to stop and continued, “I hope you all know why I decided to host a ball tonight, if not then I will say it now. It has been seven years since I was supposed to find my mate, but unfortunately I have yet to find them. So, as a last try, I decided to host a ball and gather all the mateless people. All the night, I will travel around the room and meet all of you so you don't need to try and get close to me, you will only block me. I hope you will all enjoy the ball!”, I finished my speech and signed for the orchestra to start. Immediately they started to play and a good ambiance took place.

I got off of the stage and made my way around the room. Even if I told them to not approach me it's inevitable that some try anyway. As I was walking near the buffet I suddenly smelled the most alluring smell ever. It made me want to roll around all day in this smell and mix my smell with it.

After asking myself if it was something in the food or drink that affect me like that I suddenly had a revelation. This smell...what if it is the smell of my mate! I quickly made my way to the buffet and there I saw the most mesmerizing person ever.

He had fluffy dark hair that looked like obsidian that made me want to run my finger in it, white cream-like skin that give me the need to lick every parts of it and leave many hickies on it and beautiful blue eyes that looked like they held the ocean and made me want to look in them all day long. His body was perfectly proportionate with long slender legs, a cute plump butt, a slim waist, a small torso and arm, cute little hands and an amazing face. His lips were full and made me want to suck on them and bite them, under his lips were two piercing that make his lips come out. He had a small little nose and beautifully shaped eyes. I just wanted to take him in my arms, lock him in my room and never let him out so that nobody would see his beauty.

I slowly made my way towards him and saw that he was eating like he didn't eat for days. I looked at him more and discovered that he was indeed more skinny than he should be to be healthy. As I came to the conclusion that he was underweight I noted that I should put more meat on him. Well… what would be even better is to see him round with my pups but it will be for another day, not to far hopefully.

I came at his right and tapped on his shoulder to attract his attention and as I did so I felt an amazing shock running all the way in my arm to my stomach. He jumped and turned to look at me with his beautiful eyes in shock. His eyes then showed confusion and after they quickly filled with fear. What? Fear? Why is he afraid of me? I'm his mate, he shouldn't be afraid of me.

And then, before I could ask him what is wrong, he fainted.

Hey dear reader, they finally met!🎉
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(900 words)

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