chapter 31

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Warning: not edited

Samuel P.O.V

Waiting for the return of my mate was the most nerve wracking thing that ever happened to me. Each minutes felt like hours as I heard the cries of children, the cooing words of the mothers and watched the imposing door now closed. I know that Alex is strong and that we will win but I couldn't help it. It was my mate that we were talking about! The person who brought me out of the street, that gave me a chance to start a family, that didn't judge me because of my past, that gave me hope. Hope in life.

When he appear, I was at my darkest point. My father just raped me, I was homeless, penniless and was too ashamed to ask for help. The shop owner, Melody, was there of course but I didn't want to be a burden. Even if she said that I will never be one I couldn't help it. However, she did help, she helped me remain sane. To not let my mind wander in its darkest sides. But, she was not enough. Sometimes, my mind still explored the deepest parts of the human behind. Greed, depression, envy, rage. But each times after only one thoughts about these I quickly stepped back in the light and each times I felt dirty.

It wasn't until I met Alexander and that he accepted me that my mind stopped doing this unhealthy circle. My mental torture finally ceased with his cooing words, his warm touch and his beautiful eyes, looking at me as if I was his most precious treasure.

Now, we were having what I thought I will never deserve, a baby. A little behind made of my flesh and blood, and Alex's of course, that will grow inside of me for nine months and later become an young man or girl who will then have children of their owns who I will be able to call my granddaughter or grandson.

But I don't want to rise my child alone. I don't want my child to grow up with only one parents. I know how it feel and I don't want anyone live the same thing I did. Of course I will never hurt them like my father did to me, but I don't want them to think about this place that will forever remain unoccupied. So please, Alex, come back.

After a few minutes, we heard a knock and nearly everyone turn toward the door with eyes full of worry. A guard stick his ears to the door and ask a few things. After getting a muffled reply for us but a clear one for him he seem to get what he wanted and open the door. A middle aged man came in with something in his hands. He came toward me and instantly I was afraid that something happened to my mate. However, he only stopped a few feet away and puts his hand in front of me. He open his hands and i saw a small brown hamster. I instantly recognised him as Pita, the hamster Alex gave me. I immediately took him in my owns hands and profusely thanks the man before he return behind the door. With all the things that happened, my first time, my pregnancy, Elijah and now the rogue attack I completely forgot about him!

I looked at his big cheeks and bigs eyes along with his lovely ears and tail. I then looked at Elijah who was sitting at my left and saw him looking at Pita with stars in his eyes. I looked a few times between Pita and him and finally I put my hands in front of his. He looked at me with eyes full of curiosity before he realizing what I meant.

"F-for me?" He asked with a small voice and hopefully eyes. I nodded with a soft smile and put Pita in his hands. I know that Alex gave me Pita to help me overcome my fears and now I think the person who need it the most is the small ginger boy at my side. I hope Alex won't be mad.

"His name's Pita. Alex gave it to me to comfort me when I was afraid. Take care of it for me ok?" I told him and he quickly nodded his head before playing with Pita on the couch.

A few hours later another knock came from the door and all the people again looked hopefully at the door. The same thing as a few hours before occur but this time the guard's expression brighten and he quickly open the door.

"Hey everyone, the rogue's attack ended so you are now safe. We already cleaned all the places. The people that I'm going to name are asked to come with me please." The same guard as last time said. He named a few person and my body froze when I heard my name and Elijah's being called. I got up with shaky legs and took Elijah's hand in my sweating one. We went with the guard a few hallways down and finally came to a stop before what seem to be the infirmary. I immediately spotted my mate talking with the same doctor that examined me. We rushed toward him and we both hugged Alex.

He froze before reacting and hugging us back. We breathed in each other scent before letting go. I quickly checked to see if he was injured and let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding when I didn't find any injuries. He smiled at me and gave me a peck on the lips. I looked curiously at him but he only looked at me with sad eyes before going on his knees at Elijah's level.

"*sigh* Elijah, I'm sorry. I'm the Alpha of this pack but I couldn't protect your dads. They both died in the battle. But they did in each other arms and died peacefully because they knew that Sam and me will take care of you. They wouldn't want you to be sad about their death. I'm sorry about your lost and I made sure to bury them together. Now, Sam and me will be your family. I know that you surely won't be ready for now but I hope that one day you will accept to be adopted by us. Again, I'm sorry." He said and at the middle of his speech Elijah started to cry and I quickly hugged him while myself I cried. Alex quickly joined us in the hug and we cried for a few minutes.

We calmed down and regain our distances. Alex catched sign of Pita in the pocket in front of Elijah's t-shirt and looked at me with knowing eyes. He nodded and smiled at me, telling me that he wasn't mad. I breath out a breath of relief and let Alex take Elijah in his arm to bring him to our room. He fell asleep after crying and we don't want him to wake up alone so our room is the best solution.

Alex puts him in our bed and took my hand to lead me in the bathroom. I looked at him silently and he took me in his arms and hugged me tightly. I quickly hugged him back and felt him shake and felt a wetness on my shoulder. I knew when I saw him that he wasn't alright but I knew that he didn't want to talk about it in front of Elijah.

"I-it's James, my beta. He got injured in the battle while protecting his mate, the white haired boy that work in the kitchen. The doctors don't know if he will make it alive." He said after calming down. I gasped and hugged him back. I told him comforting words and that I'm sure they will try anything to save him. We stayed in this position for a good twenty minutes before he calmed down and step back. His eyes were puffy and red and he has mark of crying on his cheeks but I couldn't help but find him even more beautiful like that. It showed that he was human, that he has emotion too and wasn't just a strong Alpha. I felt even more in love with him at this moment.

"Sam I have something to ask you. What do you think about buying a small house just for us and Elijah? I know that it may be too soon but I think that it will be better to change the paysage around Eli as to not make him remember his parents too often. I think it will help him accept their death." He said while looking at me with serious eyes. I thought about it and he was right. A change of place will be perfect for Elijah.

Now we just need to wait that he wake up and ask him.

Hey dear reader, what do you think about this idea of moving? I really want to hear your opinion!

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(1 498 words)

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