chapter 16

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Here's the chapter of last week, I will update the chapter of this week friday. Enjoy~

Samuel P.O.V

I slowly turned the handle of the door and took a look in the room with just the top of my head and my eyes showing. I saw Alexander half sitting and half lying in the bed playing on his phone. I slowly creeped out of the bathroom and took small steps toward the bed. Alex seemed to hear me and looked up from his phone. As he looked at me, his eyes shone with adoration, lust, love and doting. I felt his piercing gaze staring at me as I came(A/N:😏🙄) in his direction and a blush quickly coated my cheeks.

“Bambi, you look absolutely stunning in my oversized clothes. It makes me want to eat you.” he said and licked his lips. W-what!? He want to eat me!? Is he cannibal? Is he going to throw me in a cauldron and make me boil with seasoning!? No! I don't want to be eaten!

“ D-don't eat me p-please!!! I d-don't taste good!” I said on the verge of tears. I could feel my eyes beginning to burn, a lump in my throat and my voice shaking with fear.

“No no no you misunderstood, Sam, I don't want to eat you for real! It's an expression to say that I want to make love to you!” he said as he quickly sat up and trapped me in his arms with an iron grip. I felt myself burn with embarrassment as I realized my mistake and what he meant. I shoved my head in the crook of his neck to hide my flushed face and gripped his shoulders. I mumbled under my breath that it wasn't everyone that knew that but he must have heard me because he started to laugh and hug me tighter as he told me how sweet I was.

“ eh… I think we should go to sleep now..heh” he said after a few minutes of laughing but I could see that he was restraining himself to not laugh again.

“S-stop laughing it isn't funny!” I whined and threw a punch at his shoulder but it didn't seem to hurt him because he started laughing harder this time. I crossed my arm with a pout and turned the other way.

“Okay. Okay. I'm sorry, bambi, don't be mad at me please” he said with puppy eyes. I was temporarily surprised because I never saw an Alpha begging before. The Alpha in my pack always said that begging is for the weak and that we shouldn't do it because it make us weaker. We shouldn't show weakness because if we do we will be picked on and beaten or worst… I shuddered as I recalled memories of when I was with my old pack. Alex seems to feel my mood swing because he picked me up and took me with him under the covers and spoon me with me as the little spoon and him as the big spoon.

“Don't worry Bambi, I won't let anyone hurt you again” he murmured against the top of my head and gave me a quick peck on the shoulder. After what happened with my father I feared the touch of other but with Alex spooning me, I didn't know why but my heart felt warm.

With a contented sigh, I felt asleep as a small smile tugged on my lips.

Hey dear reader, that was a cute little chapter, no? They are so cute together!
Sam is sadly still haunted by his pack😔😡
Don't forget to:




See ya friday~😉
(564 words)

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