chapter 18

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Thank you to TheArtofSin for pointing my mistake. I said that Samuel's mom died giving birth to him but it later say that she talked to him. So I changed this point in the story and now his mom died in a car crash when he was 7. I'm really sorry.

Samuel P.O.V

Instead of what I was expecting, Alex didn't laugh at me or reject me when I told him my story. He wasn't even disappointed! I thought that he would find me weak for not defending myself, that he would be disappointed because I was weak and a weak mate isn't what an Alpha needs. But no, he just held me in his arms and comforted me with soothing words. Well, he was angry, really angry. I could feel waves of anger coming from him, but he told me that he was angry at my tormentors and not at me, when I asked him if he was angry at me.

"Well, I think we should make ourselves ready to return home. You can change here and do what you need to do in the bathroom after I change myself okay?" he said as he made space between us and wiped my tear stained cheeks. I hummed to show my accord and got up. I took my clothes, that I brought when I went to take my phone, and waited for him to take his clothes and close the door. I quickly took off his clothes and dressed in mine. Sadly I didn't bring clothes so I'm stuck with my suit from yesterday, I hope that he will let me go to mom's shop to take my clothes before we went to the pack's house. I will ask him when he’ll come out of the bathroom.

"Your turn bambi" I jumped with a scared yelp as he came behind me and talked to me without me noticing him. When did he get out!?

"Sorry Sam, I didn't meant to scare you" he said with a apologizing face as he hugged me and rubbed my back.

"I-it's alright. Alex? C-can we go to m-my house please? I n-need to get my c-clothes" I said and quickly added the last sentence when I saw the flash of pain in his eyes.

"What do you think about going shopping, mate? I really want to buy you new clothes with my money. I saved all my life just so I could be able to buy plenty of things for my mate." he said with a pleading tone and wide puppy eyes. Last night, I would have thought that begging was a show of weakness but now I understand that it didn't make you weak and that it is normal. I was still not to sure about it because I don't want to be a burden, but my clothes have holes in them, so it will surely make him embarrassed to have a mate this poor. I nodded and he looked as if it was amazing and the best things that ever happen to him. Why is it so amazing that I accepted? He's so weird...but I wouldn't say that I don't like it…

He took my hand and led me to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair and emptied my bladder. I got out and he took my hand again. We made our way to the ballroom and got out by the same door I entered by yesterday. We didn't see anyone on our way out so I guess they already left but his beta who was waiting for us in the car. We entered the car in the back seat and Alex quickly put my seatbelt and his on before I could do mine. Before I could say somethin about it, he was already talking to his beta and telling him to go to the mall.

Let’s go shopping with my mate!

Hey dear reader, next chapter will be at the mall I hope you are excited!
Our little Sammy will be spoiled rotten by Alex😎

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See ya next thursday~😉

(601 words)

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