chapter 10

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Hey dear reader I currently have a really big problem. I don't know whose actor or model to choose to act as Alexander. If you have any ideas just let me know in the comment please. Edit: Alex will now be Nick Bateman!

The room on the picture~

Samuel P.O.V

It felt like paradise. I didn't know where I was or what I was on but it so soft and cozy. I was awake for a few minutes but I couldn't find it in me to open my eyes and move. The only thing I could do was lay on this bouncy thing under the covers and enjoy the cocoon of warmth that I created.

I then tried to remember what I was doing before falling asleep because I never felt so comfortable. I was going to the ball with mom, I had entered the main room and started to eat like a chipmunks and then… I smelt the most alluring smell and...I made eye contact with an Alpha! I looked in the eyes of an Alpha! Omfg I'm so dead! I quickly stood up and looked around to see where I was. Many thoughts on how he would torture me entered my mind and I couldn't help but recall all the memories of when I disrespected an Alpha or a beta in my old pack, but they went as fast as they came when I looked at my surroundings.

I was in a big bed with brown cover and brown pillows. The room I was in was painted in light brown and at my right were two dark brown sofas. Behind those sofas was a glass door that led to a balcony with some sofas and tables. The door made it able to see the landscape and, boy, was it a beautiful sight. A big forest with many mountains and waterfalls was visible. It made me want to change in my wolf right here and run into those.

If he would have wanted to torture me I don't think he would’ve brought me here would he?... Would he!? I started to panic again but this time it was because I didn't know if he wanted to harm me or not. As I was questioning the sense of my existence, I heard the door being unlocked. I immediately flew to the other side of the room and did a position to protect myself. Even if I'm an omega and that I'm as weak as a fly, I can alway try and make myself appear stronger. They always said that you shouldn't show your weakness to your foe.

The same Alpha as the one at the ball entered the room and looked at the bed. When he didn't see me his face contorted in one of panic and worries but just as he was about to exit the room, he saw me and he immediately let out a sigh of relief. Well… he surely really want to torture me. He then looked at my position and his shoulder started to shake. I could directly see that he was trying to not laugh. He had his cheek inflated and he was biting his lower lips. His eyes were curved and I could see tear starting to gather in them. He was slowly turning red from the lack of oxygen. I knew that I surely looked like a newborn bambi trying to stand for the first time with my shaky legs and my buckling knee but I didn't think that it is so funny as to cry of laugh!

“ Well go! Laugh before you suffocate!” I said, clearly offended. He started to laugh really loud for a good ten minutes. I have to say, his laugh was really nice and I enjoyed it but just thinking about the reason of his laugh immediately make me sour.

“ Sorry- pfft ha ha ha... wew... sorry, bambi it was just so funny to see you trying to look strong I couldn't resist.” his apologizing face betrayed by the grin tugging at his lips. He started to come my way and I suddenly remembered that he was an Alpha and I an omega and that I was here because I disrespected him. I started to shake and took a short step to be closer to the wall even if I was already pressed to it fully. He seemed to realise that I was afraid of him and he whined, making a sad face. I looked at him in confusion and he came closer to me. He took small step towards me and lowered himself as if he was trying not to scare me. He was now just before me and I could feel the heat coming from his body and I smelt the alluring smell that I had smelled at the ball coming from him. Wait… is he my mate!? I'm now 18 so I'm supposed to find my mate but he is an Alpha! And I'm an omega! I don't want to be rejected! Tears quickly started to gather in my eyes and then he did something that only a few people did to me.

He hugged me…

Hey dear reader, like I said in the comments, I will update thursday too as an apologize for skipping a week.

Let me know what you are thinking about my story and my writing please~

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See ya thursday~😉

(813 words)

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