chapter 22

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Thank you to you all for reading my story!

The home theater~

Samuel P.O.V

I slowly woke up, feeling warm and comfortable. I sleepingly rubbed my eyes with my fists and yawned. I suddenly felt arms tightening around my waist and I looked up, afraid of finding a stranger at my side. What greeted me was the sight of my mate's sleeping face. I relaxed as I watched his handsome face, the way his eyelashes slightly curved to cast a shadow on his eyes, his plump lips that are parted and let out small breaths, showing his pink tongue. I cuddled in his arms as I remembered what happened yesterday. We did it! We mated! I'm officially his! The thought made a warm feeling in my chest grow. It was completely different than when my dad raped me. That time, it was hurting so much and I felt so disgusted and even now I could still feel his hand on me but Alex's easily made them disappear. I was afraid that I would wake up alone and be kicked out of the mansion by the pack's members but instead I woke up in his arms and I have yet to be thrown out.

I shook away my thought as I felt my mate waking up and watched as his eyelids slowly parted, showing his beautiful brown eyes with gold in them. I mumbled a good morning to him and he did the same while brushing my hairs back with his knuckles. I showed him a small smile and he grinned at me before kissing my nose, making my nose scrunch up in reflex. He lowly chuckled and I was amazed at the beautiful sound. God he's so sexy! And all mine!

"When you will stop drooling we could go to eat breakfast, mmm, more like supper because we did it midday and slept all the after noon so now it's night time." He said with a chuckle and a halt at mid sentence. I blushed in embarrassment as I quickly wiped my mouth. I glared at him for making fun of me but that quickly disappeared when he kissed me on the lips in a slow sensual kiss. It was nothing sexual, just a proof of our love for each other. We separated after a few minutes and looked in each others eyes. He looked at me with love filled eyes and I couldn't be more happy to return the look. I know that it was only two days ago that we met each other and we already did the deed so it may be too fast, but why complicating our life with unnecessary worry and drama when we truly love each other. I don't love him just because he is my mate, yes it influences me slightly but I love the way he's so caring, gentle and know my change of moods like the back of his hand. I already fell in love and by the way he looks at me makes me think that, he too, truly loves me, so I don't think we mated too fast.

"Sam, I have something to tell you" Alexander said with a serious face. It worried me a little but I know that he won't reject me and I normally have a good judgement about people so I trust him. I looked in his eyes with all the seriousness I could muster and waited for the answer to my worries.

"I didn't use a condom so you may be pregnant I'm sorry, but I want you to know that I love you no matter what for the rest of my life and that I would love to have pups with you" he said. My eyes widen in shock as what he said registered in my mind. Me, pregnant with Alexander's pups. Omg! I have to say that I'm quite shocked to learn that I may be carrying his child or children, but I'm nonetheless happy. It has alway been my dream to have a family with my mate, but I never thought that I would find my mate and much less have pups with him!

I launched myself at him, wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed him to death while sobbing uncontrollably. He quickly respond my hug by wrapping his arms around my waist and gently stick my body to his. He lent a soft kiss on the top of my head and rubbed his nose in my hair while sniffing our mixed scent.

"Bambi, do you want to go watch a movie?" He asked after I stopped crying a few minutes later. I nodded and waited as he grabbed a kleenex and wiped my tears. I let out a startled yelp as he got up with me in his arms and I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist to not fall. It was a pretty embarrassing position because we were still naked but I relaxed as he went to a door I hadn't see before and entered. He walked in the hidden closet and took a white t-shirt with black sweatpants. He dropped me to my feet and a felt a slight pain in my lower back, surely due to our last activity. I blushed as I remembered our mating, while Alex made me lift my arms to slip the t-shirt. It was obviously to big for me as it slightly fell from my shoulder making me put it back on my shoulder as the hem of the t-shirt reach my knees. My mate slipped on the sweatpant and took me again in his arms but in a bridal style this time. We got out of the room and walked down the stairs toward another room, in which we entered a door at the end. I can't believe he has a theater in his house! The front wall with the screen was black and the other walls were grey with small lamp at the top, there were a big dark grey sofa in the middle on a red and grey carpet and small lamp were placed around the room. The floor was light brown and there were a big couch on it just before the screen at the left side of the room. A white table was in front of the sofa and red pillows were placed elegantly on the sofa. He went toward the sofa and sitted with me on his lap making me freeze, but I quickly melted back in his chest as he started to play with my hair. He grabbed the remote and turned on the screen.

"So, what do you want to watch Sam?" he gently asked as he opened the window on a list of movies. I immediately pointed at Stitch because, seriously, I love stitch so much! He's so cute with his long blue ears and big nose!

Alexander clicked on the movie and we cuddle with a blanket as the movie start.

Hey dear reader, I love stitch!
Samuel took the news pretty well I'm so happy!

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See ya next tuesday~😉

(1048 words)

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