chapter 11

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Samuel P.O.V

I didn't know what to feel at the moment. An Alpha, that I disrespected before, is currently hugging me. I felt like my brain just stopped working. As samuel’s brain was freezing, a certain Alpha couldn't help but think of how perfect his mate was in his arms.

“You don't need to be afraid of me, mate. I won't ever harm you” he said as he looked into my eyes with a serious face and eyes full of adoration and longing.

“Wh-what?... Bu-but I di-disrespected you” I said in a small voice with a little stutter because even if he said that he wouldn't harm me, it didn't mean that it was true so I still felt scared.

“ What? What are you talking about?” he asked with a questioning face. He looked truly sincere but if he didn't bring me here to punish me why did he do that?

“ Th-then why did y-you bring me here?” I asked because I really couldn't think of any reason.

“ Well because you fainted just before me and that you are my mate” he answer as if it was easy to understand. And then I finally understood. He wanted to reject me.

“O-oh I-...I see...I knew th-that you would d-do it” I said as I started to sob because even if I was expecting to be rejected it still hurted, a lot. I was told since pup that my mate would reject me and that nobody would want me but even so I still had some hope that someone would accept me for who I was. I know that mom love me and see me as her son but it’s surely because she never had pups so I was like a substitute. But it didn't mean that someone else wanted me and surely not an Alpha, not this Alpha. He is the Alpha of the biggest pack in the world, he was rich, had everything that he wanted and plenty of female and male that throw themselves at his feet. Why would he want someone like me? An omega and one that already has been used? You are supposed to keep your first time for your mate only but here I was, not a virgin anymore and by my father too. I was truly disgusting, a whore, a waste of space and a trash.

As I was spiralling down the depressing thoughts, I suddenly felt something warm on my cheeks. He was actually gently wiping my tears away with his thumbs. I didn't know when I started crying but he was looking quite worried and confused as to why I was crying.

“ Why are you crying bambi? And what do you mean by “do it”? “ he asked with a confused face.

“ I m-mean rejecting me, nobody w-would want a mate like me” I answered with a shaky voice.

“ WHAT!? Why would I reject you? Why would nobody want you?” he asked with eye filled with disbelief.

“ B-because I'm an low omega and that I'm a-already u-us-used” I said, my voice growing more and more faint towards the end.

His eye grew bigger and started to turn red as he looked at me, his fist clenched tightly and anger starting to pour in the air around him. I flinched and started to shake as I waited for the pain of a fist against my stomach or face.

But it never came. I opened my eyes and saw him looking in profound thought, his anger magically disappeared. He seemed to come to a conclusion and look at me seriously making me gulp in nervousness. He put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me in the eyes.

“ Was it consensual?” he asked with a deadpan face.

“W-what?” I stuttered.

“ Did you give your consentment when you did it?” he asked

“I- I…” I didn't know what to say. That my dad raped me? It was so disgusting. He would surely reject me and be disgusted with me if he knew. The image of when he raped me came back in my head. His disgusting hands on me, the pain when he took my virginity along with my dignity. His pants and groans when he thrusted in me, his screams of pleasure when he filled my stomach with his disgusting seeds. His hand that slapped my ass after he finished. All those bad memories came rushing in my head making me want to puke.

I must have made a face that showed what I was thinking about because he seemed to immediately understand that it wasn't consensual.

“ I WILL KILL THIS FUCKER!!!” he screamed with anger making me jump in fright and surprise.

Hey dear reader, here was the extra chapter that I promised I hope you enjoyed it~

Oh and before you misunderstand, Alex wasn't angry at Sam for not being a virgin anymore, he was angry at himself for not finding his mate sooner and be his first one.

Wow looks like someone’s going to die tehehe~

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See ya next tuesday~😉

(779 words)

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