chapter 9

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Here's the chapter of last week~

A/N :the owner of the clothes shop will now be called "mom".

Alexander on the picture but without a beard and with red eyes

Samuel P.O.V

As we arrived near the mansion where the ball was hosted we could see lines and lines of cars coming and going. Mom was already mated but her husband lost his life due to brain cancer so she couldn't enter the ball. She parked in front of the main entrance and gave me the same thousand warning she gave me all the way to here. After I told her for the thousand time that I will be okay she finally let me go.

"Call me when you want me to come fetch you", she said as I walked toward the big gates with hundreds people before. Yes I had a cell phone even if I lived in the streets. My father brought me one before so that he could be able to call me anytime and make me buy groceries.

" ok mom see you soon" I responded her with a small smile on my lips. I couldn't help but feel a stirring feeling in my heart as I called her mom. I really miss her but I think I need to move forward and the first step is to get used to it.

I walked to the nearest line and waited. After what feel like hours and may be just that, I was finally just before the entrance of the mansion. Two big buff guys stood there letting the unmated male and female enter after taking a sniff at them to be sure that they weren't mated. As I approached them, I started to feel scared as I remembered the day my father raped me. Even now I could still feel his hand on me and his length in me. I was scared that those big guys were going to think of me like their b*tch because I was an omega. I was scared that they would rape me like my father did. I don't want to, I don't want to feel this pain and disgust towards me again...

I was so scared that I started to shake and hyperventilate. The one at the left came toward me and took a sniff. I could feel the heat coming from his body and see the muscles under his suit. I was so scared that I wanted to run away and never look back, but before I could do just that he said to not block the line and pushed me in the mansion.

I recollected my thought after a few minute standing in the middle of the way when some giggling girls walked past me and bumped into me, making me stumble toward the main room. I regained my stand and decided to walk toward the main room because the food was there.

There I saw the most beautiful thing in the world... A buffet with so many food that it could feed a nation! There were all sort of food and even some that I never saw before! It was a paradise!

I quickly grabbed a plate and stuffed a little of all food in it. My plate was quickly stuffed at the max but I could still feel that it wasn't enough so I decided to eat right there so that I could stuff it again when there is no more food in my plate.

As I was stuffing my mouth with food like a chipmunk, I smelled the most mesmerizing smell ever. As I was making a note in my head to keep space in my tummy for this food that have this smell, I felt a tap on my shoulder making me spring toward the person that gave me the scare of my life. It was an handsome man with a jaw that look like it at been cut out by a knife. His body was surely in the 6'5 and more totally towering my 5'2. He was not buff like the man at the entrance but he was fit and I could see his defined muscles under his suit. His brown hair was cut short and nicely gelled back making his face more severe. He had thin lips that were currently pressed in a line and his straight nose was currently looking like it was sniffing for some unknown reason. His eyebrow were straight and gave him an even more severe looking face and under them were the most beautiful eyes I had ever see. They were brown with line of green in them and sprinkles of gold, they were awesome.

As I stared at them they slowly started to turn a fiercely red and then I finally came out of the spell I was under. Only the Alpha have red eyes so this mean that the man that I was currently looking in the eyes, a clearly sign of disrespect, was an Alpha. I start to shake as many thought form in my mind. I, a low omega, dare to look in the eyes of an Alpha!

I started to hyperventilate and the last thing I saw before dark enveloppe me was his worried face.

Hey dear reader, I wanted to do the moment they met in both P.O.V I hope you don't mind😊

Let me know what you think of this story so far in the comments please

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See ya tomorrow~😉

(841 words)

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