chapter 5

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A/N: I decided to change samuel's birthday to the same day of the graduation. This chapter was supposed to have 500 words but it has 1328 words, I really surpass myself this time😉 Enjoy~

Samuel P.O.V

As I woke up after fainting due to the pain, I tried to stand up to go take a look at my body. Key word being 'tried'. I feel as if my body was pierce with one thousand stings on fire. It hurts so much that I fainted again and woke up one hour later. I tried again to stand but this time I tried slowler and used the wall to do so. After ten minutes of me wincing in pain, I was finally up. I slowly made my way to my room to take a change of clothes and after looking around for my father to be sure that he was sleeping or gone, I found that I was really late for school and that my father already went to work.

I decide to not go to school because with my injuries it would take me a day to reach it and more to come back due to the regular beating.

I made my way to the bathroom and took off my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but pity myself. My body was a mess, there was bruises of every color on it and we nearly couldn't see any white skin. The worst bruises were on my rib cage and face. These bruises were dark purple and I could see that my ribs were broken. I had a split lip and two black eyes. But all of that is normal, after all, I'm an omega so it's natural to be beaten and mistreated...

I started the shower and made it quick. I alway do this because I don't want to waste hot water. Feeling all the bumpy flesh due to the bruises while rubbing the soap onto my body was like a torture. I stopped the water and got out of the shower, almost surprised to see my ailling self in the mirror. I dried myself in a worn towel and put my change of clothes on.

I passed the rest of the day cleaning the house and drawing. Today was the last day of school and tomorrow is graduation so I didn't need to do any homework. At 6 pm I heard the jiggles of kley and the front door opened. I quickly entered my room so he wouldn't get a chance to beat me again. My father passed the rest of the night drinking and finally passed out near 2 am. I got out of my room and and went where my dad was sleeping, a beer in hand. I took the bottles laying on the floor and put them on the trash, after I made my way to my bedroom and slept until it was time for school.

I decided to wear the most expensive thing I had and quickly got out of the house. Today was the last day that I would see my father and it was also my birthday. I was really excited about not getting beatings everyday but at the same time I'm nervous. I shook my head to stop thinking about this and saw that I was already at school. I made my ways to my locker, took all my binders and put them in my bag. The graduation ceremony was this morning so I went to the auditorium to receive my diploma.

All the last years were here and the principal was on the stage calling names after names to give them diplomas. After many people he finally called my name. I walked to the podium and arrived in front of the principal. He didn't say anything and just gave me my diploma. I thanks him and rapidly got out of the auditorium to return at my house. I didn't have anyone to say goodbye to, so I didn't have any reason to stay longer.

(Time skip to the house)

I opened the door and started to walk to my room.

"What are you doing here mutt?", shouted my father who wasn't supposed to be here. I froze as I saw him coming my way.

"Thought that after yesterday you would have learnt your lesson but it seem like you need another punishment", He said and then start to unbuckle his belt. As he came toward me I could feel that it will not be a simple beating but even if I know I couldn't bring myself to move and watch with eyes filled with fear.

(Warning: rape mention, skip to the other warning if you want)

"If you want to stay at home this much you should just play the b*ch for some old perverse and I would teach you what a b*ch is supposed to do", he said and then start to rip my clothes off. I couldn't say a word as he pushed me in the floor and broke the last of the hope I had for him.

(I don't feel like writing a rape scene just imagine his dad raped him and then return to watch T.V like nothing happened)

I felt as if my butt was just split in half, it hurt so much. But what hurt more was my conscience as my father just raped me. I could feel his semen and my blood running down my thighs.

(Warning: end of rape mention)

I felt so disgusted with my body for losing my virginity to my father and not to my mate. I was supposed to find them today! I already wasn't sure that they would accept me but now they will automatically reject me. I also felt disgusted with myself for not defending myself but after all those years of abuse I feared my father to the point that I couldn't move or talk if he came near me. I'm so pathetic... nobody wants me... I should just die...

No! It isn't what mom would have wanted! She always said that it brings nothing to dies and that even if you live something difficult you should get over it and that it will make you stronger! You can't give up whenever something difficult happen or you will never be able to surpass yourself! You must keep fighting and one day you will remember that time and feel proud of yourself for continuing living no matter what! So I won't give up, I will continue living for my mother...

After motivating myself with my little speech I decide that I couldn't stay here with him so I needed to run away this night. I slowly got up with shaky legs and entered my room. I silently packed all my clothes and possessions in my schoolbag after throwing my binders in a corner of my room. I think that I won't need them on the streets. After, I hid my bag in a dark corner and waited for my father to fall asleep. After 2 hours of waiting, he finally passed out and I made my way to the bathroom. I quickly washed myself in and out because the feeling of his semen in me is unbearable. In this world, the omega male can just be impregnate by their mate so I won't be impregnated. I vigorously scrubbed myself with a sponge because I could still feel his hands touching me and it disgusted me.

After getting out of the shower I was as red as a lobster. I put some clothes on, returned to my room to grab my bag and went to the kitchen. I grabbed all the food that I could see and put them in another bag that I found in a closet. It's not like he would need it with his beer and we didn't have many food from the start anyway. When I finished, the bag was half full and I think that it would last me for near a week. I got out of the house and turned to look at it one last time. I then started to walk towards the nearest city.

Well, happy birthday to me...

Hey dear readers, I hope you like this story so far. My poor baby, getting raped by his father on his birthday😢😢😢. Anyway, Samuel and Alex should meet in a few chapter and I hope it will all be good for my little baby. Don't hesitate to comment and vote~

See you next week~😉

(1328 word) 😲😲😲 How did I do it...

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