chapter 12

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Alexander P.O.V

I was frustrated with myself that my mate wasn't a virgin anymore because if I had looked for him more I could have been his first. But that he wasn't a virgin and that it was because he was raped! I couldn't take it and stay calm now, I was frustrated at myself for not saving him before he was raped and at the guy that raped him. How can someone do that to a sweetheart like him! Or to anybody at all! I will kill the bastard that hurt my mate!

I looked at my mate and saw him shaking with fear. For now I should calm myself as to not scare my beautiful mate but it didn't mean that I wouldn't get revenge. I won't kill the guy that did that, oh no, he will wish that I killed him. I already have planed many torture that I would do hehehe.

“Sorry my mate, I didn't want to scare you. I would never hurt you and I don't care that you are not a virgin anymore. It isn't your fault, it is mine for not finding you before and the bastard's for doing this to you” I said with what I hope was a soothing tone.

“R-really? Y-you are not a-angry?” he said with hope in his eyes.

“I will never be angry with you, bambi. Now what's your name beauty?” I asked because I don't even know his name yet but even if I knew it I would still call him bambi because he look like a little cute bambi, my little cute bambi.

“M-my name's S-Samuel” he said with a little stutter that made him look so cute and made me want to take him right here and there.

“A beautiful name for a beautiful person” I said with love and adoration in my eyes. He blushed and looked down at his feets, he's so cute! “My name's Alexander but you can call me Alex”, I said.

“W-well… A-Alex, it mean t-that you won't reject m-me?” he said with teary eyes and a shaky voice.

“I won't” I said with assurance in my voice and face to try and made him believe me. He start to cry which make me panic.

“Why are you crying? Aren't you happy that I won't reject you?” I asked with worry and confusion in my voice.

“Y-yeah it's *snif* tears o-of joy *snif*” he answered as he tried to wipe his tears and snot with his sleeve.

I grabbed a tissue from my pocket and gently wiped his tears and nose. He's so cute! I'm so happy to have a mate like him, I couldn't have a better mate! I took his hands and led him to the bed. I sat down and put him on my laps with his back facing my chest. He seemed a little startled and flustered but after I started to play with his hairs he started to relax and put his head at the crook of my neck. I put my arm on his flat stomach and started to fondly draw circle. I'm really excited for when his stomach will be round with my pups but I will wait for when his ready.

We stayed in this position for a few minutes before I decided that it was time for the world to know who my mate is. I put my arm under his knees and at his back and got up with him in my arms.

“W-what are you d-doing!!!” he screamed with a look of surprise on his face. I just chuckled at how cute he was and made my way to the ballroom. I looked at the guards and nodded when they opened the door for us. As I entered the room, many conversation slowly started to quiet down. At this time, Samuel was totally stiff in my arms and I could hear his little heart beating extremely fast. I was worried that he was going to faint again so I dropped him on his feet and passed my arms around his waist and back. I then started to pet him with my hand as to make him relax. I kissed the top of his head and told him to not worry and that nobody would ever hurt him.

“Alpha I'm sorry if this piece of trash angered you, we will punish him for you don't worry!” someone in the back of the audience shouted making me growl at them as my mate's body stiffen and started to shake. I could already guess that it was the Alpha of his pack and the people around him was the people that hurt Samuel. There was just a few people sadly but for now it will be enough but I will make sure to exterminate all the people that hurt my mate!

Now, let the show begin!

Hey dear reader, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I alway wanted to say this sentence at the end~

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See ya next tuesday~😉

(814 words)

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