chapter 28

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Chapter of the 9th July

Samuel P.O.V

I didn't realize I was rubbing his glands until I let out a sigh. It was so embarrassing! I had mixed our scent which is an intimate act and I did it without his consent! I was embarrassed but also a little worried about his reaction but he just started to leave hickeys on my collarbone, neck and shoulder. I was really relieved that he didn't become angry at me but I quickly became extremely embarrassed when someone cleared their throat a few seconds later. I pushed him away and watched with a blush as the doctor entered the room while looking at us with amused eyes and a grin.

"It's not that I want to disturb your bonding moment but I would appreciate if you could copulate in your room and not in my infirmary. And I would like to add that even if you mate again, Alpha, the Luna is already pregnant so you won't be able to make him pregnant with more pups, it doesn't work that way sadly." He said with a knowing smirk while making his way toward us and pushing his glasses a little higher. I heavily blushed and hid my face in Alexander's chest as he let out a growl and tightened his arms around me.

"Well we are going doc, thank you for checking Sam." Alex said and I let out a startled yelp when he suddenly lifted me with my chest toward his and my legs around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep me steady and watched the doctor laugh as we exited the room.

My mate brought me around the mansion and showed me where everything was and I must say that I was pretty impressed. There was a big indoor pool with a jacuzzi and sauna while outside there were many water slides and water park with another pool accompanied by a volleyball net on. With the kitchen where the white haired boy was, there were two more kitchen around the mansion. There were many rooms with video games and some big screen like the one we went to the other day. Many game like babyfoot were in other rooms.

While we walked, we encountered many pack members who greeted us politely while the young one wanted to give me hugs. I had an argument with Alex about letting me down as to be able to hug these little balls of joy (he didn't want to let me walk as to "not wear me out") . The argument finished in me pouting and turning my back to him (as much as I could while being in his arms, chest to chest). He let out a sigh before gently lowering his arms under my thighs before my feet touched the floor. I gave him a huge smile and gave him a peck on the lips before realizing what I did. My eyes widen in realization and I felt my face heat up with embarrassment. I quickly turn my back to him while he was still in shock before making my way to the young pup waiting in front of us.

"W-what's your n-name" a little boy looking not much older than seven years old with fierce red hair and bright green eyes asked me with a slight stutter. I noticed that one of his front teeth was missing and I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. He seemed really shy as he played with his finger with his eyes fixed on his shoes while waiting for my answer.

"My name's Samuel, do you want to tell me yours?" I asked with a gentle smile and soft eyes. I always had a soft spot for children. They weren't yet tainted by the evilness of the world and they were cute.

"M-my name is Elijah" he answered with a blush. I smiled at him and told him that his name was very original and nice. He smiled at me before giving me a quick hug and running where his friends were waiting for him. My heart softened at his cuteness and I turned to Alex to see him watching me with eyes full of love.

I can't wait for the baby to come out!

Hey dear reader, who think Elijah's cute?

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See ya next update~😉

(705 words)

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