chapter 14

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Look at those yummy abs😍

Samuel P.O.V

Even now, I can't understand why he accepted me. When he told me that he accepted me I didn't believe him, but when I looked in his eyes… They were full of love and adoration. I knew at that moment, that he was speaking the truth. I know that he could always change his mind and reject me but for now he accepted me and that's what counted.

In the ball room, I panicked when my pack showed up and told him about my dirty past and insulted me. I was afraid that he would reject me right after. I was afraid I would have to return with them and be their punching bag again because they found me. I don't know if they were looking for me but now that I was at reach, I don't think they would let their punching bag go. But Alex surprised me, he didn't reject me like I thought he would, no, he actually defended me and arrested them. I was so so so happy! It seem like I got a mate that accept me and love me for what I am! It was the best day of my life!

But then someone said that we should make pups soon… I-I don't I can yet… Even if I know that Alex mean no harm to me I can't help but be anxious. Maybe he just didn't realise that I was used and then when he will mate with me he will realise that I'm just a bitch and reject me… But he didn't talk about it,he brought me to his or our room and gave me Pita. He told me to take care of him and I will do just that. I feel like he gave me my first mission and that I need to succeed it and make him proud. Also, Pita is so cute! I will never let any harm come to this little ball of fur!

As I played with Pita, I could feel the stare of my Alpha on me. He was looking at me and Pita as if we were the most precious things in the world, it made my heart skip a beat. I suddenly yawned and felt sleepy.

“Well, I think you played enough and that it's sleep time” he said and reached to take Pita back in his cage. I gave it to him and said good night to our hamster. I wonder where I’d sleep? He came back and start to undress. I quickly looked away and a blush crept on my cheek. Damn, he has the body of a greek god! Sixpack and body that look sculpted in rock!

“I'm going to take a shower and make myself ready to sleep, you can take a shower after me if you want. There is a second toothbrush and toothpaste for you. I will leave one of my sweatpants and tshirt for you to change in after your shower. While I'm in the bathroom you can look around the bedroom but you are not allowed to go outside. It's just a security measure, don't worry you will be able to go out tomorrow but only if you are with me.” he said as he grabbed a tshirt and 2 sweatpants. I guess he will only sleep with a sweatpant on then. There is only one bed, will we sleep together? omg! Thank god that he was already in the bathroom or he would have seen my face turn the same color as a tomato. So embarrassing!

After a few minutes, I finally calmed myself and patiently waited for Alexander to get out. I didn't have to wait to long because he was out a few minutes later and what a sight it was. His short hair were wet and tousled, the water was dripping down his neck and on his muscled shoulder. His biceps flexed erocticaly as he wiped his hard chest and abs. His sweatpants were low on his hips and I could clearly see his V lines and a trail of few wet hairs that lead to an unknown territory.

I gulped as I suddenly felt really thirsty.

Hey dear reader, this chapter was more to understand Samuel's mind then to have action. Don't worry there will be more action in the next chapters~
Look like someone is thirsty for some milk~ sorry😂😂😂
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(696 words)

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