chapter 3

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Samuel P.O.V
The bell for the end of the first period rang, telling me to make my way to my locker fast enough so I wouldn’t be caught by Marc and his gang. I put my sketchbook in my backpack and started walking. Even if they already beat me to the pulp, they wouldn't hesitate to do it again if I crossed their path.

My second period was PE. I really hate this class because there are many jocks and that the teacher is one as well. I went to the restroom near the locker rooms to change ‘cause the last time I change in those, they drenched my clothes while I wasn't looking and I passed the rest of the day in my PE apparels, in winter. Imagine walking 2 miles in short and t-shirt at -10 degrees… let's just say that I couldn't feel my arms and legs after.

I changed in my PE clothes and made my way to the gym. The jocks were in a corner with the cheerleaders around them and they were all laughing like the boys just said the most hilarious joke ever. The rest of the class were all looking at them with eyes filled with envy and admiration. Seriously? I would never be able to understand them. I mean, just if they could stop bullying me I would be very happy, I don't need to be popular I would like to be invisible way more.

The teacher finally arrived and he ordered us to start running. Hugh, I hate running, because even if I'm a werewolf, I'm trash at sport. After a few minutes of running I was already at my limit. I was sweating like crazy and I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. I saw the person in front of me getting slower to reach me and then push me. I already knew that he was going to do that, but after the beating this morning and the running I couldn't avoid it.

With a loud thud, I fell to the ground on my butt and everyone looked at me, starting to laugh. Even the teacher found it funny and laughed at me. I know that he saw what happened, but like I said before, even the teacher is a jock. I slowly got up and made my way to the restroom. I didn't want to continue the class. It will just be them humiliating me all the time so no.

I changed back in my normal clothes and decided to return home. My father wouldn't be home before 6 pm and I finish at 3pm so he wouldn't know that I skipped school. The teacher didn't even call my name anymore when they took the presence so they wouldn't report if I skipped their classes.

I grabbed my bag and started my long walk home.

(Time skip to home because I'm lazy~😉)

Reaching my house I grabbed my house keys and unlock the door. I cleaned the dishes from the morning and picked up the trash, principaly empty beer bottles, that my father left on the floor.

I was doing some homework when I heard the front door unlocking. I started to panic because it was just 1 pm, my father isn't supposed to be here and neither am I...! Oh no…

“Mutt… aren't you supposed to be at school at this time!? You make me pay for your education but in truth you chill with some druggies and waste my money!? Come here you little bastard!” screamed my father. Shit shit shit. I'm going to die! But I know that if I disobey him it will be worse so I came near him and he took my hair in a tight grip and start to smash it against the wall. He then started to kick and punch me and soon, I fell into darkness…

Hi dear reader, I know that this chapter was a little boring, but don't worry it will soon become interesting.
Spoiler: next chapter in Alexander P.O.V
See you next week~😉
(637 words)

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