chapter 26

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Chapter of June 25th

Hey guys! I absolutely have no informations about pregnancy and I don't have time to search(I just know it's 9 months), so let's just say that it's different for werewolf~

The office~

Samuel P.O.V

I didn't realize I had fall asleep, so when I woke up on the couch with Alexander spooning me I was extremely embarrassed. It was the second time it happen to me! First while we were watching the movie and now while I was sitting on my mate's lap! Ahhhh! I tried to wiggle out of Alex's arms but it only made them tighten and made him nuzzle his nose on his mark. I was facing the couch so I couldn't force my way out by falling off of it. Now you must be wondering why I would want to get out of my mate's arms. The fact that it's embarrassing sure play a big role in it but it's also because I really needed to pee! Like, REALLY! I wiggled to try and turn around. I finally succeed after a few minutes of him groaning and nuzzling and licking his mark while inhaling my scent. I quietly watched his sleeping face while trying to catch my breath. Yes, just that and I'm out of breath. I don't have good stamina and I don't know why but I'm feeling really tired lately.

"Alex...Alexander...Let me go please...I need to pee…" I said, each stop followed by a poke on his cheeks. He groaned and tightened his arms around my waist before letting me go and rolling on the couch to finally drop to the ground and rolling a few more times. I gently chuckled at his antics and got up to release my bladder, but as I did so, a wave of dizziness hit me and my knee buckled under me, making me fall just before Alex. He got up as fast as lightning and came towards me with eyes full of concern. I covered my mouth to tell him that I was going to vomit because I didn't want to risk speaking and vomiting on his carpet. His eyes illuminates with realization and a huge goofy smile broke in his face. He swiftly picked me up and walked with large strike toward the restroom. The moment he dropped me before the bowl, I started to vomit in it. I felt my stomach scrunch and contract as I let out all I ate and even after, bile continued to flow out. Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed and gagged without anything coming out. All the time I could feel Alex rubbing circle in my back and whispering soothing words. After I finally stopped this torture he helped me get up and directed me towards the sink where he handed me a cup of water. I thoroughly washed my mouth and Alexander handed me a piece of minted flavoured gum. He picked me up bridal style and kissed my temple.

"We should go to our pack's doctor to check your blood to see if you are pregnant. We can't do an ultrasound because the baby isn't formed yet" he said while looking at me with love filled eyes. I shyly nodded before throwing my arms around his neck and burying my face in his chest. I felt his chest rumble as he let out a chuckle before he took large strike towards, I guess, the doctor's office.

We arrived before an opened door letting us see a nurse with a man wearing a white coat and looking in his late fifty. He turned toward us and smiled gently at me. My mate must have mind linked him because he got up and started to prepare a needle as Alex sat me on a chair. The doctor faced me and collected blood. It hurts a little but comparing with the beating I got in my old pack it was nothing. He went into another room and we waited a few minutes before he came back with a paper in his hands. What he said after make my stomach fluttered and tears gathered in my eyes.

"Congratulation Alpha and Luna, you two are going to be parents" He said with a gentle expression. A sob escaped my mouth before I covered it with both my hands. I can't believe there is a pup in my belly!

I turn to look at Alex and saw him looking happy but worried with a pale face before he fainted.

Hey dear reader, look like Sam has the strongest mentality of the two lol~

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(717 words)

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