chapter 19

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The bear on the picture~

Alex P.O.V

I was extremely happy that Sam accepted to go shopping and with my money! I may not have known him for a long time but I can tell that he is the type that feels like a burden when people care about them and buy them things. I can tell just by looking at his face right now as we stroll in the alley of a shop with brands. His face was hesitant and his eyebrows were furrowed. The faster we found everything the faster he will feel better and he won't have the chance to change his mind. As if I would let him. Anyway, let's find cute clothes for my cute mate.

"What do you think about this one?" I asked him as I take a black sweatshirt with "xox" written on in pink out of the rack. I took a size larger than him, not that it is difficult to oversize his little frame, as to make him look cuter. Not that he isn't already cute enough to make me want to take him, lock him in my room and not let anyone see his cuteness. Maybe I shouldn't make him more cute...

"S-seems cute" he whispered as he lowered his head and peeked at me through his eyelash. "Not as cute as you baby". Ah, seem like I said that aloud because a blush quickly spread on his cheek, neck and ears. But it's true so it doesn't matter.

I took the sweatshirt and put it in the cart and made sure that he can't see the price. I know that even if he told me okay, if he saw the price he will feel bad and I don't want him to feel guilty. We continued to stroll through the alley with me showing him sweatshirts, shirts and jeans and him nodding at everything and blushing at my compliments. After I made sure that we had enough clothes and asking him if he needed anything or saw any thing he wanted, of course he will be too timid to tell me so I took everything that he looked for more than 10 second, we made our way to the cashier. As he was entering our items I told Sam to go get a table in the food court and he quickly flew there after hesitating a little. Like that I will be able to see him and make sure he is alright but he won't be able to see the price.

I quickly swiped my card without looking at the price because I knew that it was a huge sum but a sum that I can easily pay. I took the many bags and saw Samuel looking at the bag and at me with conflicted eyes. He must be wondering whether he should come and help me with the bags or listen to my order and stay there. So cute... I shook my head and smiled at him. He returned the smile and look down at his intertwined fingers. I made my way towards him and put the bags at our feet.

"Do you want to eat something Bambi?" I asked him but I knew it was pointless to ask because we didn't eat anything this morning so he must be hungry. I quickly get my answer when his stomach made a loud gru~gru~ noise. His face burned with embarrassment and he put his face in his hands on his knees to hide his tomato face. My cute little tomato~

"I'm going to call someone to get us something and I would like to play twenty question with you. What would you like to eat?" I said. He don't know it but I always have bodyguards with me everywhere I went for security measure, so I just need to call one to get us our food. I don't want to leave him alone anywhere, something bad could happen to him and I don't want that.

"A mcmuffin with chocolate bread and m-milk please" he said and looked down at his laps with a small blush coating his cheeks. He is so shy~ I called one of my bodyguard and told him what Sam wanted and I asked a croissant with bacon and eggs for me. We played twenty question as we waited for our food and I learned quite a few useful things about my mate like his favorite color, food and animal. When our food came, Sam mumbled a thanks to the bodyguard because he was too embarrassed to be served by someone else. It's cute but I hope he will become accustomed to being served because I don't want my mate to do anything but enjoy life.

We ate in a comfortable silence and when we finished another bodyguard came and took our plates. Samuel was again embarrassed and his blush stayed on his face as we got up and walked in the mall with no destination in mind. As I looked through the showcase windows, I saw something that I must get him. I took him in the store and told him to look around and wait for me to come back because I need to buy something and he can't see what it is. He looked confused but nodded anyway and I ruffle his hair before making my way toward another alley. I quickly walked toward the plushy section and took the giant fluffy, snowy-white bear with a checkered bow out of the rack. The bear, when sitting, easily reached my shoulder which is as tall as Sam, so it's taller than Sam. I bet it will be extremely cute to see my mate holding the bear, I hope he likes it! I made my way to the cashier and payed for the bear with a box of chocolate and some flowers. I returned to him and saw him looking at a rack with snowballs on it. I came behind him, hid my gifts and cleared my throat to gain his attention.

"Samuel Wolf, I know that we are mates and that some people believe that it mean we are immediately a couple when we accept each other, but I would like to ask you not as a mate but as a man, as me, Alexander Moon. Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I said as I took his gifts behind me and put them in his arms. Tears quickly filled his eyes and he throw himself in my arms.

"So, I hope it's a yes?" I asked because he just cried and cried in my arms. He immediately nodded with excitement and told me thank you many time as he continued to sob uncontrollably.

It's the best day of my life!

Hey dear reader, I hope you liked this chapter!
He said yes! Yaayyy!

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