chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to MystiCRoseofDeath because they asked in the comments if the owner was going to help him out.

Samuel P.O.V

The annoyings girl said that the ball was tonight so I just needed to find where the ball will be hosted and what to wear. I mean, the most chic clothes that I have are a black jeans and a white button up shirt, but the jeans are ripped at many places and the shirt has many stains on it. As I was wondering what to wear, I entered the clothing shop to go to the restroom.

“Mmm… What should I wear at the ball…” I mumbled under my breath as I walked past the cashier, but it seemed like I said it a little out loud ‘cause the next thing I knew, I was dragged to the back door by the owner.

“ Sam! I didn't know that you’d be interested in going to the Alpha’s ball!”, said the owner with an excited voice.

“Well...There will be a buffet so yeah…”, I shyly said, “But anyway I have nothing to wear and I don't know where the ball is hosted so I don't think I will be able to go.” I explain with a more confident tone.

“Oh Sam, Sam, Sam…”, She said as she shook her head as if she was reprimanding a kid who did something wrong, “You don't need to worry about the clothes, I own a clothing shop! And no, don't tell me that you don't want to be a burden or that you don't have money! I know what type of person you are and I know that you won't accept my help, but please even if it's not for you do this for me. Since the first time I saw you, I have always consider you as my son and it will make me really happy to see you in a suit that I made, see you go to a ball and maybe find your mate…So please...And call me mom.”, she said with a serious tone and looked at me with puppy eyes. What she said was, if I could I would surely refuse but after what she said at the end about me being like a son for her and those puppy eyes she gave me, I just couldn't say no.

“Okay, I will go dressed in one of your suit but I will surly repay you in the future”, I said with teary eyes and a shaky voice. Hey don't judge me! It's the first time someone cares about me so I’m really emotional and she even said that she consider me as her son! She makes me think  of my mom...I miss her so much…

As if she sensed my mood becoming gloomier, the owner grabbed my hand and dragged me to try differents suits. For a few hour, it was just me trying suits one after another until we finally settled for one.

(Picture of the suit at the top, I’m not good at clothes description)

After picking some accessories, she brought me to her home and made me take a real shower. She then combed my hair and make me put on the suit. She took a hundred pictures saying that she felt like a mother seeing her child go to prom. We made our way to the car and went in the direction of the ball.

Well...there goes nothing…

Hey dear reader, I hope it answer your question MystiCRoseofDeath😉

Next chapter will be at the ball, I hope you are looking forward to it~

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See you next week~😉

(555 words)

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