chapter 17

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Alex's beta, James, on the picture~

Alex P.O.V

White. A land of white was all I could see when I entered the bathroom last night. Sam was standing there in all his glory and I have to say that what he was doing before I entered was the cutest thing I have ever saw. But his body...god I never saw someone as sexy as him. His skin is as white as porcelain and his curves...don't get me started on his curves please, I would have thousand of things to say about them but I will just say that it make me want to lick every inch of his body and run my hand on. When he came out of the bathroom wearing my clothes, I thought I would lose it and just jump him and mate, but I understood that he wasn't ready and I respect that. That's why I'm in this situation right now, spooning my bambi with a raging boner.

You can't blame me when I have my beautiful mate's butt just on my package and that he squirm against it in his sleep! That's why I'm as hard as rock and can't move because I would surely rub against his rear and disturb his sleep and it will be really awkward when he wake up and found what is poking at his behind…

So I just waited and waited and waited until he woke up. When he finally did, it was with small squirming and mumbling, that made him look so cute but seemed like torture to my hard pack, but also with a scream and jump. I froze as he tried to escape and succeeded in falling out of the bed, on the carpet, on his ass. He let out a pain yelp as his butt landed on the floor and tears started to gather in his eyes.

"Hey, bambi, are you alright?" I asked in concern and he yelp startled by my voice as if he forgot that I was even here.

"A-Alex?" He asked with eyes filled with fear and tears. He was slightly shaking and I could guess that he thought that I was an unknown man. That's why he jumped and screamed…

"Yes, it's me Sam, you don't need to worry I won't let another man take you in bed even if you want." I answer with a cooing voice at first but a serious one at the end. It's true, even if he didn't want me or had a boyfriend I wouldn't let him go away. I would continue wooing him until he accept me as his mate and is totally loyal to me. He quickly got up and threw himself in my arms. I drew circles on his back and murmured soothing words in his ear as he hugged me tightly and cried. A knock came from the door a few minutes after Samuel calmed down. I groaned because the room was soundproof so I needed to get up and answer the door which meant that I needed to let go of Sam. The motherfucker that just disturbed my "Samuel time" must have a good excuse or he won't be able to stand up for a week after the amount of laps I make him run. Screw that, a month, I decided when Sam whined as I got up. I quickly comforted him and told him that I sadly needed to answer the door. He blushed when he realized what he just did and I awed mentally at his flushed face. I open the door and there stood my dear beta and victims of the day.

"Hey, my dear friends, what may bring you to knock on my humble door" I said with a sweet creepy smile. He shiver as he looked at my face and start to fidget. I know that he knows that I'm upset, really upset.

"W-well… you have to come back to the pack's mansion to deal with some paperwork…" he said as he refused to meet my eyes. I sighed and told him to start the car as we made ourselves ready. He nodded and quickly hurried away. I closed the door and told Samuel that we need to go. He looked confused so I explained to him that we brought this mansion for the ball and that now we are going to the pack's mansion. It seemed like he forgot something because his face suddenly brighten and he started to look around frantically. He went into the bathroom before I could ask him what he was looking for and came back with his clothes and phone in his hands.

" I forgot but I needed to call my mom as to tell her to pick me up, she must be so worried" he said worriedly and called her. After a few rings, she picked up and I could hear her asking question fast with a worried tone. As he calmly explain the situation to her I tried to understand what was happening. His pack and his father treated him like a slave but his mother is gentle? But she didn't stop Sam's father from hurting him? I'm so confused… My thoughts must have shown on my face because after he promised her to come by later and hung up he looked at me and told me the story of his life. He seemed pretty worried at first and when he came to the part at his birthday he started to cry, I held him in my arms as he finished his story.

Seems like we need to make more space in the dungeon…

Hey dear reader, now that Alex know Sam's story he will have to extend the dungeon to host more persons😈
I hope nobody forgot the shop owner lol

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(932 words)

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