chapter 30

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Chapter of the 23th July

Sorry for the long wait!

Samuel P.O.V  

I was swimming with Elijah when the other pack members all suddenly got tense and got up to leave in a hurry. Some males informed me that the pack was under a rogue attack and that they were tasked by my mate to escort Elijah and myself to the safe area.

"S-Sam, I'm scared…" Elijah whispered to me while clutching my dark blue swimsuit. I could see the rim of his eyes beginning to redden and his small lips began to shake.

"Shhh, don't worry baby everything's going to be alright. So don't cry ok?" I told him while looking straight in his eyes after getting on my knees. He nodded and I helped him wipe his tears. He sniffed a little but then straighten his back, take my hand and guide me where the guards were waiting for us with determined eyes. I chuckled a little at his antic and then smile fondly at his back with warm eyes. His mate will be very lucky to have him, he's already brave at his age. I really hope he will find them when the time come. We came in front of the guard and nodded at him. He smile at us and lead Elijah and me in many hallways until we arrived before a crow of people, mostly children and female, which were entering in what I assumed was the safe area by a big door. The door looked really hard and difficult to move, perfect for protection. After a few minutes of waiting, we finally entered the room that looked more like a room made for relaxing and playing then a protecting room. The were toys for baby and kids and for the older kids there were playstation and tv. There were many sofa and chair in the room and even if there was many people on them there was still some free, so I bring Elijah to sit on a white one with big fluffy pillow which was made for two person.

Now all I can do is hope that Alex's alright.

Alex P.O.V (warning:a little gore)

Blood. There was blood everywhere. All I could see and smell was blood. The rogues were the same number as us maybe more and it showed on the combat field, but we were all trained werewolf while they were normal werewolf with a few trained one and that's what place us in advantage. We were winning and they know it so some of them started to retreat.

I saw a white wolf take down a rogue and recognise him as an ex rogue that come from the abusive pack I mentioned before. We found him half dead in the wood near our border a few weeks ago and we accepted him in our pack after he woke up. He was an omega that were forced to cook for his old pack and was beaten regularly. Fortunately, when the worst was going to happen he managed to escape before getting raped by his Alpha. But he was already beaten to a pulp before it happen so he was weakened, yet he persevered and finally reach our border before passing out.

He volunteer to cook even after I told him he wasn't obligated. He didn't want to be a burden and wanted to thanks me so I let him be and I must say that he's a really good cook. Now, I just discovered that he's also a good fighter. He continued to took down rogues after rogues but I then saw a black one sneaking behind him, ready to attack. I knew I would be too late to save him but I still ran toward him just to see a ginger wolf jump before the black wolf while he was in the air.

The ginger wolf, that I recognized as my beta, got bitten in his flan near his ribs. I quickly jumped on the black wolf and crushed his throat with my teeth. I heard a whimper and turn to see the white wolf on top of James and licking his wounds while softly whimpering.

He looked at my beta with eyes filled with sadness and despair, as if he was watching his most loving one dying before him. James weakly nuzzled the nose of the white wolf while looking at him with eyes full of love. I knew right at this moment that they were mates. I wanted an explanation but it will have to wait after we made sure my beta's live was not in danger anymore. I approached the two wolves just to get growled at by the white one.

He seem to realize what he had just done and quickly lowered his head while whimpering. I licked his nose to tell him that I understand and that I'm not angry after all, if the same thing happened to Sam I would surely react like that, maybe even more violently. He helped me put my beta on my back and we bring him to the pack's doctor. The fight had already stopped nearly completely so I wasn't needed anymore. On the way to the doctor, I saw the two dads of Elijah cuddled together on the ground. I approached them to see if they were alright because there was a lot of blood around just to see that they were both dead.

 I saw that Elijah's real dad got his throat ripped and his mate got his stomach opened. It seem like he crawled his way to his dying lover because of the trail of blood starting a few feet away and leading to his stomach here. Even near the end they wanted to be together and I could see by their peaceful expression that they leave this world in peace, knowing that Sam and me will take care of their son and that they died cuddling each other. I'm sure they will join each other in the afterlife and watch over Elijah.

I stayed there a few minutes to pay my respect and fo told them that my mate and myself will take good care of their son and adopt him as our own if Elijah wants. We then continue our way to the doctor's office.

Please James, stay with us.

Hey dear reader, it's me! I'm sorry for not updating in a while! 

This story is coming to an end but I'm thinking of making a book about James and his mate and about Elijah and his mate after. What do you think?

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See you next update~😉

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