chapter 24

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Chapter of the 11th june

The kitchen~

Samuel P.O.V

I don't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up I was in our bedroom and Alexander was not there. I first, thought that I dreamed about watching a movie and that Alex abandoned me but then why would I be clothed with the clothes in my dream? With that in mind I completely got up and looked around. Something little and a bright yellow caught the corner of my sight. I fully turn in its direction and saw a post-it sticked to the night table. I took it and quickly red the note. I let out a sigh of relief as I finished reading, Alex was just gone in his office, he didn't reject me. I got out of the bed but kept the blanket wrapped around my body because the temperature seems to have dropped since we went to the home theatre. I was still sleepy therefore when I made my way out of the room I waddled out instead of walking making me look like a penguin. I will surely look like that when I will be near my due date, if I'm really pregnant which I hope I am. Just thinking about bearing a small new life in my belly make me smile goofily and lovingly rub my lower stomach. I'm so impatient to hold my small baby in my arms! I hope they won't be an omega, I don't want them to be bullied. If they are, I will still love them with all my heart and I will even more want to protect them. If anyone dare to hurt my baby I will make sure to make their life hell!

I took a deep breath to calm myself since I read somewhere that having big emotion like stress and anger is bad for the baby. I don't want to harm my pups with my selfish thoughts of mother bear. I know I'm not a bear but just so you know when you try to harm the pups of a wolf it is as asking the end of your life just like with a mother bear. Which is why we often compare the two of them.

I start to look for a pack member, because I want to go see my mate but even if I know he is in his office, I don't know where his office is. I got down the stair and my nose suddenly caught a mouth watering scent coming from my right. It must be someone cooking in the kitchen which mean I will be able to get the direction to Alex's office. I waddled in this direction and what I say caught my breath. The kitchen was as beautiful as the rest of the mansion. The kitchen was made in a corner and a high brown table in a crescent shape was around it. There were many brown chair and there were cabinets on all the top of the two wall forming the kitchen. The oven was grey and in the left side of the kitchen while the fridge was on the right side.

I was brought out of my dreaming when I heard light humming. I turned and saw the back of someone cutting vegetables. I took a sniff of the air and found out that this person was an omega, like me. His stature tell that he was a male even if he had curves. His hair was a bright white like his porcelain skin. He turned around, surely to reach the spices, and caught sight of me. His bright blue eyes widen in surprise and fear but the fear quickly disappear when he sniffed the air.

"I'm s-sorry to disturb y-you but c-could you t-tell me where A-Alpha Alexander's office is p-please?" I asked with a timid voice. I hated that I stuttered but it alway get worse when I meet new people because of the stress. He nodded and start walking out of the kitchen after making a sign telling me to follow him. I followed him and after a few turns we arrived in front of a brown door. I thanked him and he nodded at me before walking back the way we came.

I knocked on the door and heard a come in.

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(712 words)

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