chapter 23

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Please read the notice at the end

Alexander P.O.V

It has just been one hour that we started the movie but Samuel was already sleeping softly on my shoulder. I guess our activity last night and the possible pregnancy worn him out. I put the movie on stop and gently unwrapped the cocoon he made around us with the blanket. I then picked him up bridal style and made my way to our room. Toward the start of the movie, I made one of my pack member cook us breakfast and we ate it while watching the movie, so I can let my mate sleep. I put him under the blanket and stick a note on the night table at his side to inform him that I will be in my office to do some paper and to do what he want when he woke up but to not go outside without being accompanied of a pack member. We discovered that one of the pack surrounding us mistreated their pack members and many of them became rogue to escape this abuse but even if that's the case they feel threatened near others and won't hesitate to attack. I don't want Samuel to meet one and be harmed. We already took care of the pack that led to this situation and we are currently trying to find the rogue and convince them to join our pack. I know that many of them lived their lives while being abused therefore they won't trust us but I want to try because nobody should live in fear and loneliness.

I made my way to my office and on the way I mind linked my beta, telling him to come to my office to report about what happened when I wasn't there. I entered and saw him already waiting at the left of my desk. His red orange hair was tossed as if he ran his finger many times in it and he had a nasty looking bruise on his right eye. I raised a brow at him when he looked at me. He shrugged and turn his face toward the floor. Strange, but if he don't want to talk about it then I won't pry. I trust him and I know that he has a reason to avoid answering.

"So, did something happen?" I asked after sitting in my seat behind my desk. He sighed and handed me the document. I quickly swiped my eyes across the sheet and saw that most of it consisted of request coming from neighbor asking for the land previously occupied by Samuel's pack. I looked in our database to look at their previous record and see if any of them were more suitable to expand their land. I noted one that already asked me a few weeks ago for more land and send their Alpha a mail about scheduling a meeting to discuss it.

James took the previous documents to take them in the binder about lending land that we created to keep track of everything and avoid mistakes. He then gave me some other documents about trivial thing like fight and pregnancy that happened in the pack those last few days. It may seem like I don't have many things to do but it's because my dad wanted to be responsible about the things concerning pack in other country so it left me with just monitoring pack around us which is not many. Currently, my dad is in a meeting with a pack in the city next to us and will be back in a few days. As to not make him rush here and make him lose concentration, I didn't tell him about Samuel. My mother is aware but she understand that it may be too soon for Sam to meet her so she will wait until he tell me that's alright to meet her.

As I was finishing the documents, there was a timid knock on the door.

Hey dear reader IMPORTANT: I'm not going to update regularly this summer but I will update 10 chapter for sure it's just not going to be each tuesday. I will try to write and update the 10 chapter before the 20th June but I can't promise anything because I still have exams. Don't worry if I don't update for a few weeks, I won't ever drop this story. Also, the chapter may be a little short like this one because it's difficult to do a 1000 words chapter within a day. Please understand.

Anyway! What do you think happened to James?

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See ya next update~😉

(635 words)

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