Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen


In the last three years, the village had developed rapidly and immensely. What was once an area crammed with caravans, scaffolding and unsettled families, was becoming a village that looked no different to any other.

The once fragmentary buildings were complete and the scaffolding was removed shortly after. Supposedly ordinary people roamed the streets.

But they were not ordinary people.

They were kept there against their will, they were forbidden to ask any controversial questions and they were forced to brainwash their own children with the propaganda that the rejuvenation had prepared for them: that they were volunteers and that they chose to be here for a good cause, to create a better future for the world.

They didn't volunteer though, did they? They were snatched in the dead of night by strange men, frightening men. And what exactly was this good cause? None of them knew for sure.

"It's for the best," the leaders said.

"You wouldn't want your children to get in any trouble," they said.

"We're doing this for a greater future worldwide," they said.

But how was keeping them here benefiting anyone? Sure, they had no money worries anymore. But at what price? The price of freedom.

Where they were once in control of their children's upbringings, they now had little say in how they were brought up.

Where some used to go to church and pray for an escape from poverty, they now prayed to return to the places they once longed to leave.

Where they once wondered what they would give their siblings for christmas, they now wondered anxiously what horrors the following day could bring.

Where they once had poverty, they now had fear. Fear of the unknown.

There were rumours of children going missing in the night without leaving a single trace. Not a letter, not a note, not even a word. The most alarming thing being that there was no sign of a break-in.

Panic and chaos was expanding and the rejuvenation were losing control of their people. When word spread about the mysterious disappearances, rebels began to fight for the truth; raiding the labs for any information they could find.

What they discovered was dreadful.

On the wall of a small, seemingly innocent office on floor six, was something that made all the witnesses freeze and stare in bewilderment.

Sixteen pictures.

And in those sixteen pictures: all of the missing children.

And beneath them: their experiment numbers.

A quiet sob could be heard from somewhere nearby. When one of the rebels, a fair haired man in blue, peered through a door on the opposite side of the office, he saw a large, white room. In this room were sixteen beds. Presumably one for each missing child.

But why was only one of the beds in use?

Where had the other children gone?

And why was the remaining child handcuffed to the bed, with wires in every limb connecting him to unfamiliar machines?

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