10: A Mile Crossed

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        My walk to school had been fast. I made sure to take each step slow and small. I wasn't in any rush to get to school this morning. Somehow, I ended up being early. Ditch. I should just ditch. Seeing Nolan after our kiss on Friday, I wasn't ready. The kiss had been... I don't even know. Shocking? Crazy? Different? It was all of those things and more. I liked it, but something was holding me back from trying to feel anything else towards Nolan.

       In the crowd, in the front row, Mr. Pierce hadn't clapped for my scene with Nolan. He sat there, rubbing the back of his neck while staring right at me. He looked uncomfortable. At least, that's how I wanted him to feel. It was so wrong of me to feel this way. I should talk to Nolan and see how he felt about the kiss. Maybe he liked it too. Maybe he didn't? He had to have. I hoped he had... I had a better chance of pursuing something with Nolan than with Mr. Pierce. I wasn't sure if I wanted to though.

       "What did I get myself into..." As I opened the back door to art, I was shocked to see that no one was here. Not even Mr. Pierce. Good. I had some time to gather my thoughts. I dropped my books on my table then wandered to Mr. Pierce's desk. It was a mess. Folders were spread every which way, pens scattered, posted notes strewn in different directions. I eyed all the paper clips surrounding their holder and made a face. Why couldn't he just put them where they belonged? The mess bothered me more than it should have. It was also something to do.

       Organizing and fixing the mess didn't take long. I actually liked doing it. Now if I could only do the same for my locker. As I adjusted a stack of ungraded papers, I noticed a ruler underneath them that didn't really have a place. I slid it out and turned it around, looking for a good home for it. I decided that the drawer would have to do. Opening the lower drawer, I tossed the ruler in and just before I was about to close it, I spotted a blue sketchbook. 'Pierce' was written across the front in thick marker. My hand grazed across the face, wondering what could be inside. What inspired Mr. Pierce? What was his muse? I couldn't look, that would be so wrong of me to do.

        "Just a peek," I told myself, picking the sketchbook up. I flipped through the pages and smiled at each drawing, sketch, and doodle. Some were complex, others were simple. I imagined he did those out of boredom in class when we were working on assignments. I flipped through the pages more quickly and stopped on one drawing that stood out the most. A drawing... of a black haired girl... with big brown eyes. This girl on the paper, she was beautiful. There was a sparkle to her eye, a shine to her hair, a charm to her smile. My eyes made their way to the bottom where a date was marked. I felt my heart racing in my chest.

       "Miss Harper." I looked up at Mr. Pierce. He was standing in the doorway, looking around the class before letting his eyes rest on me. He seemed to only call me 'Miss Harper' when other students were around. "What are you doing here so early?" He smiled at first until he saw what was in my hands. That's when he swallowed hard, tensing his jaw and looking almost worried. What was it I felt though? Concerned? Flattered?

       "Why did you draw me?" His mouth opened and closed as he tried to find his voice, searching for an excuse perhaps. I could see him trying to analyze the situation by examining my body language and my voice. Without saying anything, he let the door close behind him, locking it in the process. The blackout shade had fallen down from the unintentional force.

       "May I ask what you were doing in my desk?" He sounded so unsure, so nervous. I felt calm, but my heart was freaking out inside of me. I should be freaking out too. So why wasn't I? I couldn't help but smile at him, feeling like I controlled this situation now.

       "With all due respect, Mr. Pierce... I don't think you're entitled to asking questions right now." Saying it out loud made my skin crawl. Who did I think I was? He was still my superior. He was also the man that drew a picture of me and couldn't explain why he was so hesitant to say why. I had more confidence than I should have. He took a step forward, then stepped back. He looked so worried right now. "Is this really how you see me?"

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