Eighty percent. More than a passing grade. I made a face at the multiple-choice test that had my name on it, but not my answers. My drawing of a little forest with birds flying over it, but that was all. Jake really did have my handwriting down pact. He didn't need to do this. Maybe I should say something to him. How will it look when Art is the only class I'm passing, yet it is also the only class I'm taking again? Perhaps I'm the only one overthinking it."Nice."
"Hm? Oh, yeah. My mom will be happy I'm bringing home one test passed at least. I don't wanna show her the others..." David made a face at me as he took my test from me. He slowed his walk as we got closer to the auditorium doors. First period had gone by so fast. Jake had been teaching us about the two types of surrealism and I was actually paying attention this time. If I had a notebook I would have taken notes, but I'm sure I retained some vital information.
"I was actually talking about your drawing, but do you need help with your other classes? A tutor maybe?" I shrugged. I didn't really want a tutor. Tutors didn't come free.
"I just need to read the study packets that were sent to my house. I mean I've tried to... I just can't seem to focus on them." David nodded, handing me my test back.
"Maybe if you tried to study somewhere else? Like a cafe or something. I think you just need different scenery." Different scenery. It wasn't a bad idea. I could study with Jill at her house, but I don't think she was failing anything. I could study at the diner by my house, but that's where I had gone to see Jake... with Nolan by my side. There was the library, but that's where Nolan and I had gone too...
"A lot of places are kinda ruined for me actually... I can't even go past the gas station on my way home without wanting to throw up." David stared down at me thoughtfully. I didn't say the reason why going to certain places bothered me, but he already knew. I wondered when I would be able to wear certain clothes again or eat certain foods again.
David didn't say anything more on the matter and I was thankful. When we reached the double doors to the auditorium, I felt my stomach sink. Jake was talking with Mrs. Burns in the entrance. He hadn't been here before because Art Club wasn't needed as much anymore. I already had to endure first period with him, I shouldn't have to endure second... Jake went in, not noticing me and David approaching. Mrs. Burns did a double-take at me and pursed her lips. I felt my cheeks burn as she seemed to assess my overall appearance. Caitlyn certainly did a number on my face.
"Officer Sandoval, may I have a word with Miss Harper? It won't take long." I looked to David, hoping he didn't abandon me here with this woman. David looked down at me and tilted his head a bit, giving me a knowing look. He seemed to know I did not want to have a word with Mrs. Burns, even if it didn't take long. Any time Mrs. Burns has pulled me aside, it always ended with her saying I had no promise for the future and that I had nothing to offer this world. Perhaps she was right.
"Of course. Blair, I'll be in our row." As if we owned the entire row. It felt that way. No one ever sat in the last row let alone near it. I preferred it that way. I bit my lip and winced as David left me alone in the hall with her. Mrs. Burns closed the door behind her for more privacy I suppose. She looked down at the scripts in her weathered hands, seeing something else there it seemed.
"Do you... Do you know why I chose you to play the part of Josephine?" She kept her eyes down as she spoke to me. I looked around me, trying to see if anyone was around to hear her belittle me. There was no obvious insult yet, but I was waiting for it to come.
"No," I mumbled. Mrs. Burns nodded and fiddled with a corner page.
"This play... I'm very proud of it. Victor is written as a young man who gets into trouble and finds joy in it. You're average 'bad boy' if you will." She smiled at that, shaking her head a bit. "He's very charming, but not everyone can be so easily charmed. Some see through charm." To this, she looked up, meeting my confused gaze. I didn't know where she was going with this.

Teachers Pet
Storie d'amore"This is so wrong," I whispered as his lips touched my neck. He kissed me softly and sighed against my skin. His breath tickled me, causing me to shudder against him. He pressed his body into mine, backing me into the lockers. He slowly kissed up to...