20: Cruel

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        "Wait." I was getting carried away, letting myself lose control again. Jake pulled back right away. He moved his arm to support his weight. I looked up into his eyes and swallowed hard. I wasn't ready for this yet.

       "I'm sorry." He used his other hand to push his hair back, but it fell back into his eyes a bit. He looked like he did something wrong. I smiled and shook my head at him.

       "I want to. Believe me, I do... I just... " He smirked down at me as he moved away stray hairs from my face.

       "Just what?" I laughed, hearing how shaky it was.

       "I didn't exactly picture our first time in a car at an abandoned movie theater." Of all the scenarios I had in my head... This wasn't one of them. I saw us maybe at my house, me sneaking him in at night. Or getting a hotel room together maybe. Jake smiled down at me, looking amused by what I'd said.

       "So you picture us doing it?" I felt my cheeks burn, making my embarrassment obvious. Jake just smirked and kissed me once more. "You're right. This isn't the right place." After he moved back to his side, struggling to do so, he started his car. He still found something funny from the look of the smirk he still had. As he pulled out, asking for my address, I gave it to him while staring at the side of his face. When he would look at me, I couldn't help but eye the small scar I always wanted to ask about. Whenever I got near it though, he would move my hand away from it or wouldn't let me kiss his cheek so high up. I never argued or asked.

       "Can I ask you something?"

       "Anything." He answered as quickly as I do without thinking.

       "The scar on your cheek... How did you get it?" His smirk fell into a tight line. I shouldn't have brought it up. I could see now that it was a mistake.

      "Anything but that," he said in a low voice. I could see it bothered him, but I really had to know. I needed to know why he wouldn't let me touch him there.

       "Why can't I know?"

      "Why can't I know what your final was about?" The way he asked was a little harsh. I wasn't willing to tell him about my final still and I didn't plan to. That part of my past is something I wanted to forget, to escape. Telling him... I couldn't do it.

      "Never mind," I whispered.

      "Just... Just don't bring it up again. Please... " He kept his eyes on the road ahead, leaving me to wonder what the story was behind that small burden on his face.

      "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- "

      "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you." He took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders from the stiff position they were in. I stretched my hand out and was happy when he moved his to hold mine. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze, letting me know he was sorry again. I appreciated the small gesture. If I could do more to make him feel better, I would. Maybe I could though. I smiled to myself as I let go of his hand. "What are you doing?" He asked as I moved my hand to his lap.

      "Don't freak out," I told him. I saw the small panic in his eyes as I went into his pocket. He jumped and swerved a little.

      "Blair, what- " I shushed him as I pulled his phone free. Quickly, before he could question my motives, I put my number in and sent myself a text. When he heard my phone ding, he smiled with curious eyes. "Did Blair Harper finally give me her number?" I rolled my eyes as I handed it back to him. He took it with a low chuckle. "For you, that's like foreplay." I ignored him, thinking about how it was a big step for me. I was putting a lot of trust in him with my number. If my mom ever got the wrong text... Don't think like that.

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