As the last bell rang, telling me I was late for second period, I started to run. I had planned on sneaking in but was greeted by two locked doors. I hated Mrs. Burns as much as I did Mr. Banks. They were both assholes. Mr. Banks at least didn't lock you out. I banged my fist three times on one of the doors, hoping to be a nuisance. Just because Principal Morris let Mrs. Burns have class in the auditorium, she thought herself high and mighty. If Principal Morris could see me locked out of class, I'm sure he'd side with me.
When one door opened, I stepped back a bit. Mrs. Burns shook her head at me with an annoyed sort of look. Her hair was still the same ugly bob from last year. Still graying too. Her pasty skin still withered and leaving a permanent scowl on her unpleasant face.
"First day back and you're late?" Her voice hinted towards 'typical'. I didn't like her and I had no excuse of being nice to her. I shrugged and felt my grip on my textbooks tighten.
"You know me." I'll come late again tomorrow too you old hag. Mrs. Burns tapped her grossly long nails on the door, probably ready to tell me to shove off. I live for the day that Mrs. Burns goes off on me. That'll be the day I really lay in on her.
"Well, you're not coming in here without a tardy pass... or respect for that matter. Go to the main office." I don't know if she found joy in ruining someones day, but she did it so often that it was hard to not acknowledge the smile she had when she did. She was nice when I was a freshman taking English, when she wasn't the drama teacher. Every since she started going through a divorce though, she's taken her anger out on just about everyone.
"My art teacher can give me a tardy pass," I told her. She made a weird noise that I assume was laughter as she rose an eyebrow at me.
"Am I to believe that Mr. Banks is willing to voucher for you?" Was it so hard to believe that a teacher might actually like me? Or that I like a teacher...
"There's a new art teacher. Mr. Pierce is Mr. Banks replacement." I tried to hold back everything I wanted to say to her. It seemed like she was too. You'd think a teacher knew what went on in this school. Mrs. Burns just shrugged with a distasteful look. I always felt like Mrs. Burns was challenging me.
"Go then. Bring back a pass and I'll let you in."
"Yes, ma'am." I spun on my heel with a smile, knowing very well that Mrs. Burns hated to be called ma'am. It made her feel old.
"And hurry up, Miss Harper!" I ran down the hall, laughing to myself at her change in tone. When I rounded the corner I ran right into someone.
"Fuck!" I dropped my books again just as this person did too. When I looked up to apologize, I only smiled. He did too. "Sorry, I forget where I am sometimes." Mr. Pierce looked around us to see if anyone else had heard him. The hallways were completely empty though. As we leaned down to pick up our things, I noticed a thick novel in his hands. It was the same one I had in my locker that I refused to finish.
"I don't mind," I told him. We stood back up, still smiling. "Sorry about crashing into you. I was actually on my way back to your class though."
"It's a good thing we ran into each other then. Literally. I'm not in class second period. I was headed to the teachers lounge til third." I would've gone back to an empty classroom and gone on a wild goose chase trying to find him. I think I would've preferred that actually. Anything to not be in Mrs. Burns class. "But what was it you needed?"
"Tardy pass. And respect apparently." He rose an eyebrow at me, but laughed it off. At least Mr. Pierce didn't get offended by things I said.

Teachers Pet
Romance"This is so wrong," I whispered as his lips touched my neck. He kissed me softly and sighed against my skin. His breath tickled me, causing me to shudder against him. He pressed his body into mine, backing me into the lockers. He slowly kissed up to...