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"did I ask?"

jimin smiled slightly at the words on his wrist. He had found it quite amusing that his soulmate often roasted people, he had a new roast on his arm nearly everyday.

he rolled over in his bed, wondering what words were inked on his soulmates wrist. he hadn't talked much to anyone aside for hoseok, jungkook or others in his dance class so it couldn't have been very interesting.

"i'm going to practice more."

how his soulmate hasn't died yet was beyond him. It was honestly worrying. yoongi's soulmate seemed to always be practicing more and more or claiming to not be hungry. he found himself not believing that his soulmate wasn't hungry but he didn't know for sure. he'd just have to wait until they met.

"what's got you sighing like that?" namjoon spoke up from beside him. the two were seated on the couch of their apartment. yoongi lived with his friends namjoon and hoseok.

"my soulmate," he murmured.

"is she or he not eating again?" he asked, eyes not leaving the notebook page in front of him, writing scrawled across it's pages.

"no, they're overworking themselves," yoongi answered. he told namjoon about all the things his soulmate said as well as his suspicions.

"they'll be fine, they've made it this far," namjoon assured.

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