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"hey hobi, can i have jungkook's number?"

jungkook? hobi? his soulmate knew jungkook and hoseok? it really was a small world, huh? there's always a chance that it was a different jungkook or a different hobi but his gut told him that wasn't the case.

jimin stepped into the studio, looking around the practice room and spotting the two in the corner messing with the phone connected to the stereo. "hello," he greeted, setting his back down by the door.

"oh hey jimin," jungkook greeted briefly.

"that's hyung to you," he murmured only to fall upon deaf ears. "so.." jimin continued, catching the other two's attention. "who was asking you for jungkook's number earlier?" he asked hobi, glancing down at his hands.

"huh?" hobi appeared at a loss. "I don't kno-" he went silent. "holy shit chim show me your wrist," the blond held out his wrist for hoseok and jungkook to examine.

"does that mean-?" jungkook trailed off.

"this is the funniest shit i've seen all day," hoseok bursts into laughter.

jimin pouted. "what's so funny about it?"

"well first of all, jungkook is about to get his ass beat by your soulmate for slapping your ass," jungkook visibly paled. was his soulmate that scary?

"who was asking you for jungkook's number earlier?"

yoongi felt the swell in his chest, one of happiness, knowing that his soulmate was just as eager to meet him as he was to meet him.

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